The app we built is a textbot called Get Excited People and it will allow users to create their own library of inspiring quotes, songs, videoes or pictures. And then the textbot will automatically picked a random content from their library and send it to the user once a day.
Users have access to read, create, update, and delete the contents from their own library by sending commands at the inspirations channel in Slack me. The app checks the user id to make sure they only have access to their own database.
Visual Studio Code WebStorm
- NodeJS
- Express
Clone this repository to your local machine.
$ git clone
Once downloaded, you can either use the dotnet CLI utilities or Visual Studio 2017 (or greater) to build the web application.
cd YourRepo/YourProject
`npm i`
Install all dependencies needed for the project.
Create a .env file and within the file, add a variable called MONGODB_URI and store your mongodb URI in there.
cd YourRepo/YourProject
npm start
There are two data schema within the app, one is for user and another one is for the content that is saved in the database.
Austin Hedeen Gina Pultorak Leyla Li Lyndsey Thomas