An iOS app used to search for the definitions of words and save them for later. It may be used while, say, reading to learn and remember new words.
The API that provides the definitons of words is the (free) Dictionary API.
Example searching with language "en" for the word "define":
Link to Dictionary API Github Repository.
The project previously used the Oxford Languages API.
It was removed due to usage limitations.
Also, an API key (and thus dictionary-api-key.json
JSON file) is no longer needed so the new approach is simpler.
This implementation can be found in the Git history.
Primarily created to learn more about SwiftUI having nearly always developed with UIKit. But also creates a neat little helpful tool.
Apple provides a UIReferenceLibraryViewController which would be perfectly suited, if not for:
A UIReferenceLibraryViewController object should not be used to display wordlists, create a standalone dictionary app, or republish the content in any form.
Alas, given that this app is intended to supplement rather than replace.