This repository is a demo and a template for software projects written in C.
The project is highly depending on the content of the lecture learn2code.
The content of this demo is among others:
- Writing code in C
- variables
- structures
- functions
- pointers
- ... (see ToC of learn2code)
- Setting up GitHub Codespace
- Setting up a Gitpod Workspace
- Usage of CMake in projects
- adding and creating libraries
- adding executables
- adding compile options
- adding *google-test
- cross-compile for Windows on Linux
- Using GitHub Actions
- build code on different platforms
- test code with *google-test and CTest
- parallel jobs
- upload artifacts in job
- collect artifacts from different jobs
- create pre-releases on main
- running formatting checks with clang-format
- using clang-tidy in VS Code