An RPG project to improve programming skills with Visual Studio and C#
Ideas taken from Scott Lilly's RPG Tutorial
This repository was created to improve C# programming practices and become more familiar with code refactoring and debugging.
- Player
- Vendor
- Monster
- Location
- Quest
- Healing Potion
- Weapon
- Player goes to a location
- Player may need an item required to enter location
- Location may have a quest available
- Player may need a certain item or items to complete a quest
- Player uses weapons to fight monsters
- Player can use a healing potion while fighting a monster
- Player can acquire lootable items by fighting monsters at a location
- Player turns in items and receives rewards
- Player can trade items the vendor wants
- Player can only have one weapon and healing potion in inventory
- Game saves player/vendor state to a file or database if available
- Save vendor data
- Game loads player/vendor state from file or database if available
- Load vendor data
- Add sounds during battle for when player/monster dies, attack hit/miss (based on weapon used)
- Use images for Locations, Monsters, Player
- Option to disable/enable audio (have it enabled by default)
- Add fog of war for locations not visited