The goal of this coding exam is to quickly get you off the ground with React Context.
Home Route
Register Route
Not Found Route
Click to view
- Download dependencies by running
npm install
- Start up the app using
npm start
Functionality to be added
The app must have the following functionalities
Home Route
- Initially, when the Register button in the Home Route is clicked, then the page should be navigated to Register Route
- When the Register Now button in the Register Route is clicked, then the input name and selected topic in the Register Route should be displayed in the Home Route
Register Route
- Initially, the value in the input element should be empty and the selected value in the select element should be the first item in the given topicsList
- When the Register Now button is clicked with an empty input value, then the respective error message should be displayed and page should not be navigated to Home Route
- When the values are provided for both the input and select elements and the Register Now button is clicked, then the page should be navigated to Home Route
Not Found Route
- When a random path is provided as the URL, then the page should be navigated to the Not Found Route
for styling elements -
component is provided with topicsList. It consists of a list of topic objects with the following properties in each topic objectKey Data Type id String displayText String
Click to view
The following instructions are required for the tests to pass
- Home Route should consist of
in the URL path - Register Route should consist of
in the URL path
Image URLs
- alt should be website logo
- alt should be website register
- alt should be meetup
- alt should be not found
Hex: #334155
Hex: #475569
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #3b82f6
Hex: #2563eb
Hex: #64748b
Hex: #7b8794
Hex: #cbd5e1
Hex: #ff0b37
- Roboto
- All components you implement should go in the