scaling HMMs to large state spaces on parallel hardware, and shows that this approach results in accuracy gains compared to other HMM models. Scaling Hidden Markov Language Models Justin T. Chiu and Alexander Rush EMNLP 2020
which trains HMMs with large state spaces for language modeling.
Dependencies TVM 0.7.dev1. This has a dependency on LLVM. Pytorch 1.5 Torchtext 0.6.0 Wandb 0.10.1 Brown Clusters The HMMs in this repository rely on Brown Clusters. We include the Brown Clusters necessary for runnings the HMMs in the clusters directory. To rebuild the clusters, follow these instructions:
Clone the Brown Cluster repo from and install it locally following the directions in the repo.
Export l_cluster to the path of the brown-cluster/wcluster command, installed in the previous step.
export l_cluster=/path/to/brown-cluster/wcluster Preprocess the data by flattening the data. The flattened data is only used for producing the Brown Clusters. python scripts/ Run the Brown Cluster script to obtain clusters for PTB and WikiText-2. bash scripts/ lm128 bash scripts/ w2flm128 Very Large HMM (VL-HMM) Penn Treebank To train a 32k state HMM on PTB, run
source scripts/ && run_ptb An example run can be found here.
WikiText-2 To train a 32k state HMM on WikiText-2, run
source scripts/ && run_w2 An example run can be found here.