Docker starter project for ASP.NET Core app with a JS SPA frontend served by nginx and a PostgreSQL database.
Install docker then run this on the host machine:
(don't forget to update BACKEND-REPO-URL
apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install git \
&& git clone /app/source \
&& backend-repo="BACKEND-REPO-URL" \
&& frontend-repo="FRONTEND-REPO-URL" \
&& cd /app/source && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
to build/run backend correctly (& wait for db connection)- currently set up to build & run .NET Core projects (
dotnet build
+dotnet run
- currently set up to build & run .NET Core projects (
to build frontend source solution into/app/dist
correctly- currently set up to build
npm run build
- currently set up to build
[OPTIONAL] Ensure DB connection string is set up in your backend source correctly
- eg.
User Id=postgres; Database=postgres; Password=supersecretpassword; Host=db; Port=5432;
- database can't be accessed externally so no need to change password
- eg.
Setup on host machine (ie. DigitalOcean machine)
- SSH into host machine
- install docker
- move this entire folder to host machine into
- Using git
apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install git && git clone /app/source
- Using git
Update repositories to pull form (via env vars)
- these are the repos that will be cloned when you rebuild the images as below
backend-repo="BACKEND-REPO-URL" ; frontend-repo="FRONTEND-REPO-URL"
Start compose server (ie. to update all)
cd /app/source && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
To only update backend
cd /app/source && docker-compose build backend && docker-compose up --no-deps -d backend
To only update frontend
cd /app/source && docker-compose build frontend && docker-compose up --no-deps -d frontend
To only update nginx
filenano /app/source/nginx/default
cd /app/source && docker-compose build nginx && docker-compose up --no-deps -d nginx
Get postgres data
- will be at
- will be at
Windows: Via docker quickstart terminal in directory containing docker-compose.yml
Linux: just use terminal in directory containing docker-compose.yml
When updating entire thing
docker-compose build
- builds images out of all the Dockerfiles mentioned in docker-compose.yml
docker-compose images
- see list of built images
docker-compose up
- starts running containers from all relevant images and coordinating them
run detached in the background
docker-compose ps
- see list of running containers
docker-compose stop
- stop containers from running
docker-compose down
- stop & delete containers, delete images
docker-compose logs
When updating only a specific services
- First, upload the updated code for that specific service
- Best way to do this is via Git to only update the parts that need changing
- Don't forget, backend's Dockerfile is set up to build so you only need to update the source code
docker-compose build [service name]
- build images of specific service, use when updating only that one
docker-compose up --no-deps -d [service name]
- recreate and restart only a specific service
- First, upload the updated code for that specific service
PostgreSQL config
- See postgres/Dockerfile to set up default db name, username, and password
- Note database is not exposed on the outside so don't complicate too much
- Connection string to use
User Id=postgres; Database=postgres; Password=supersecretpassword; Host=db; Port=5432;
- See postgres/Dockerfile to set up default db name, username, and password
PostgreSQL volumes
- the volumes contain postgresql's data, config, and logs
- they are sync'd from the docker container to the local host machine
- should persist even if container delete
- @
@ local machine (host)
PostgreSQL auto backups
- TODO: use this command with cron do generate auto backups, also make rotating so dumps don't accumulate
pg_dumpall -c | gzip > /app/pg_backups/dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.gz
- TODO: use this command with cron do generate auto backups, also make rotating so dumps don't accumulate
- create a better nginx file @ nginx/default
- postgresql auto backups