A face-recognition-based attendance taking system
How to run:
Install MongoDB and ensure mongo service is running (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9884233/mongodb-service-is-not-starting-up)
In the project directory, run "npm install" to install dependencies
Run "npm run dev" if you are in development mode or "npm run start" if you are in production mode
Open your chrome, visit "localhost:3000"
The default admin account is username: [email protected] password: admin123
The default staff account is username: [email protected] password: ntuniubi
Admin and staff account are directed to different pages
For staff account, choose a session from the left side bar, then click "take attendance" button the top right corner. The browser will render an attendance-taking page. Click "start" button to start facial recognition. The browser may take a while to load carema and DL models before facial recognition. When it is done, click "End" button on the left side bar to go back to the attendance list page.
#Note When assigning students to sessions, the CSV file must be one culumn only in the format below (student is the header):