I am an ambitious and passionate engineer seeking opportunities for growth and experience in the technology industry. My strengths lie in both front-end and back-end development, as well as my ability to work well within a team. I am eager to apply my passion and skills to deliver high-quality products.
- 🌍 I'm based in Katowice.
- 🖥️ See my portfolio at robert-sinski-portfolio.vercel.app
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🧠 I'm learning Solidity.
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Intresting projects.
- ⚡ A passionate Self-taught Full-Stack Engineer
👷 Currently Working On: I'm developing SkillBridge, a platform that connects developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to collaborate on side projects and upskill together. Stay tuned for updates!