MailTrigger is a service that allows you to asynchronously send emails using an HTTP API. Emails are represented as channels and generated from Markdown templates which are kept in the same source code repository as the software itself.
Hence, email templates can be managed using GitHub / GitLab (or the like) in-browser Markdown editors.
Alternatively, you can configure a custom template directory for loading email templates from the filesystem.
Run mvn spring-boot:run
from the command line.
Run mvn clean install
from the command line.
You can run the application by using the standard Spring Boot deployment mechanism (see these three articles for more information on Spring Boot deployment techniques and alternatives: Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Running your application , Installing Spring Boot applications):
java -jar target/mailtrigger-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
The application then should be available under http://localhost:8080
Alternatively, you can run the application in a Docker container (using the official MailTrigger Docker image):
docker run -p 8080:8080 bjoernkw/mailtrigger
In the project root folder, there's an example Dockerfile
that can be used to build the image, as well as a sample
with an example configuration. The latter can be used to run the application via the usual Docker
Compose command:
docker-compose up
That sample docker-compose.yml
configures a custom template directory.
These environment variables are required for running MailTrigger:
This HTTP call will load a template named
and replace any placeholders with the replacements
provided in the HTTP request body:
curl -d '{"TO": "[email protected]", "FIRST_NAME": "Jack"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/sendMail/test_channel
Once the app is started the REST API documentation will be available under http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html