"la morra" is a traditional southern italian game, to my knowledge still alive in Basilicata and Sardegna.
The rules are straight-forward, and the game is free as in it requires only a hand and voice. Well, usually some wine helps.
Two players throw a number from 1 to 5 with their hand, at the same time. They also pronounce - as in scream - a number, trying to guess the sum of the numbers thrown by the two of them. The player who guesses the sum, gets a point. If nobody guesses the same, repeat. If they both guess, repeat, nobody gets a point.
If it is a team game, the winner of each point goes on playing against the following opponents from the opposing team, until he loses. Usually, in a team game, each team forms a row opposing each other.
How many points to win a game? You can decide.
- Make the logic and the game functional. 1.1 add extra options: as in "play random" to play a random number instead of picking.
- Host it and make it possible for people to play it.
- Add crypto functionality, to allow win and loss of the in-game cryptos. 3.1 check the laws behind this.
- Add statements and offenses when winning a point, possibly in rhyme, per dialect and language.
- Add a GUI, showing, the hands playing in real time.
- Add voice-over of numbers and offenses.