This project aims to replace or at least complement TCP Gecko.NET
as platform independent Wii U RAM debugger and cheat code manager. It is developed in Java
so you need to have Java
Please post them here.
You need to download JGecko U.jar
here. Double-click it or type java -jar "JGecko U.jar"
on the command line.
Download the TCP Gecko Installer. Extract it to your SD Card into the folder E:\wiiu\apps\TCPGecko
Proceed to run the Homebrew Launcher
by visiting this URL with your Wii U. Finally, load the TCP Gecko Installer
app and press X to install the real time cheat code handler.
It allows you to write cheat codes into the memory starting at address 0x10015000. Read CosmoCortney's post for more information.
Since this is an IntelliJ IDEA
project you have to download IntelliJ IDEA community edition. Then you can clone a Github repository by clicking on File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> GitHub
I setup a GBATemp topic dedicated to this.
BullyWiiPlaza for creating and programming JGecko U
The libwiiu team for their kernel and browser exploit
The pyGecko team for their pyGecko installer
CosmoCortney for the code handler assembly code
wj44 for helping to integrate the PPC code handler into an elf
Gudenaurock and Maschell for code improvement suggestions
NWPlayer123 for help with the Wii U connector Java client code
Chadderz for TCP Gecko.NET