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Update dependencies and sbt plugins (#4551)
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* Update dependencies and sbt plugins

* Move scalafmtSbtCheck

* Fix deprecated warning


Co-authored-by: Simon Dumas <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Oliver <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Dec 1, 2023
1 parent 316b650 commit 024b30d
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Showing 3 changed files with 37 additions and 39 deletions.
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ val akkaHttpCirceVersion = "1.39.2"
val akkaCorsVersion = "1.2.0"
val akkaVersion = "2.6.21"
val alpakkaVersion = "3.0.4"
val apacheCompressVersion = "1.24.0"
val apacheCompressVersion = "1.25.0"
val awsSdkVersion = "2.17.184"
val byteBuddyAgentVersion = "1.10.17"
val betterMonadicForVersion = "0.3.1"
Expand All @@ -31,26 +31,26 @@ val catsVersion = "2.10.0"
val circeVersion = "0.14.6"
val circeOpticsVersion = "0.15.0"
val circeExtrasVersions = "0.14.3"
val classgraphVersion = "4.8.164"
val distageVersion = "1.2.0"
val doobieVersion = "1.0.0-RC4"
val classgraphVersion = "4.8.165"
val distageVersion = "1.2.3"
val doobieVersion = "1.0.0-RC5"
val fs2Version = "3.9.3"
val googleAuthClientVersion = "1.34.1"
val handleBarsVersion = "4.3.1"
val hikariVersion = "5.1.0"
val jenaVersion = "4.2.0"
val jsonldjavaVersion = "0.13.6"
val kamonVersion = "2.6.5"
val kamonVersion = "2.6.6"
val kanelaAgentVersion = "1.0.18"
val kindProjectorVersion = "0.13.2"
val log4catsVersion = "2.6.0"
val logbackVersion = "1.4.11"
val logbackVersion = "1.4.14"
val magnoliaVersion = "1.1.6"
val mockitoVersion = "1.17.29"
val mockitoVersion = "1.17.30"
val munitVersion = "1.0.0-M10"
val munitCatsEffectVersion = "2.0.0-M4"
val nimbusJoseJwtVersion = "9.37.1"
val postgresJdbcVersion = "42.6.0"
val postgresJdbcVersion = "42.7.0"
val pureconfigVersion = "0.17.4"
val scalaTestVersion = "3.2.17"
val scalaXmlVersion = "2.2.0"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ lazy val copyPlugins = taskKey[Unit]("Assembles and copies the plugin files plug

lazy val docs = project
.enablePlugins(ParadoxMaterialThemePlugin, ParadoxSitePlugin)
.enablePlugins(ParadoxMaterialThemePlugin, SitePreviewPlugin, ParadoxSitePlugin)
.settings(shared, compilation, assertJavaVersion, noPublish)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ lazy val kernel = project
munit % Test,
munitCatsEffect % Test,
scalaTest % Test
munit % Test,
munitCatsEffect % Test,
scalaTest % Test
coverageFailOnMinimum := false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ lazy val sourcingPsql = project
munit % Test,
munitCatsEffect % Test,
catsEffectLaws % Test,
logback % Test
munit % Test,
munitCatsEffect % Test,
catsEffectLaws % Test,
logback % Test
) ++ doobie,
Test / fork := true,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -748,12 +748,12 @@ lazy val storage = project
name := "storage",
moduleName := "storage",
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](version),
buildInfoPackage := "",
Docker / packageName := "nexus-storage",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
name := "storage",
moduleName := "storage",
buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](version),
buildInfoPackage := "",
Docker / packageName := "nexus-storage",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
Expand All @@ -775,14 +775,14 @@ lazy val storage = project
scalaTest % Test
cleanFiles ++= Seq(
cleanFiles ++= Seq(
baseDirectory.value / "permissions-fixer" / "target" / "**",
baseDirectory.value / "nexus-storage.jar"
Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-o", "-u", "target/test-reports"),
Test / parallelExecution := false,
Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-o", "-u", "target/test-reports"),
Test / parallelExecution := false,
Test / classLoaderLayeringStrategy := ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy.ScalaLibrary,
Universal / mappings := {
Universal / mappings := {
(Universal / mappings).value :+ cargo.value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1047,8 +1047,8 @@ val coreModules = List("kernel", "rdf", "sdk", "sourcingPsql", "testkit")

val staticAnalysis =
|project delta ;
|scalafmtSbtCheck ;
|project delta ;
|scalafmtCheck ;
|Test/scalafmtCheck ;
|scapegoat ;
Expand Down
20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions project/plugins.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
addSbtPlugin("io.github.davidgregory084" % "sbt-tpolecat" % "0.4.2")

addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.5.0")
addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.5.2")
addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "2.0.9")
addSbtPlugin("com.sksamuel.scapegoat" % "sbt-scapegoat" % "1.2.2")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.cb372" % "sbt-explicit-dependencies" % "0.2.16")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.cb372" % "sbt-explicit-dependencies" % "0.3.1")
addSbtPlugin("com.timushev.sbt" % "sbt-updates" % "0.6.3")

addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.9.16")
addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.sbt" % "sbt-javaagent" % "0.1.6")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "2.1.0")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-buildinfo" % "0.11.0")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.9.16")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-javaagent" % "0.1.8")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "2.1.5")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-buildinfo" % "0.11.0")

("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-site" % "1.4.1").exclude("org.scala-lang.modules", "scala-xml_2.12")
addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.paradox" % "sbt-paradox" % "0.10.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-site-paradox" % "1.5.0")
addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.paradox" % "sbt-paradox" % "0.10.5")
addSbtPlugin("io.github.jonas" % "sbt-paradox-material-theme" % "0.6.0")

addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-dynver" % "5.0.1")
addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.3")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-ci-release" % "1.5.12")

addSbtPlugin("pl.project13.scala" % "sbt-jmh" % "0.4.2")
addSbtPlugin("pl.project13.scala" % "sbt-jmh" % "0.4.6")

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class TarFlowSpec
tar: TarArchiveInputStream,
entries: List[PathAndContent] = Nil
): List[PathAndContent] = {
val entry = tar.getNextTarEntry
val entry = tar.getNextEntry
if (entry == null) entries
else {
val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](entry.getSize.toInt)
Expand Down

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