A sample REST API with automated tests using JAX-RS, Jersey and RestFriends.
An overview of the automated testing tools is also available.
A demo of the sample REST API is available with its Swagger UI and API Endpoint.
Example GET: http://restfriends-sample-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/app/MYID
Note: The sample API allows any "id" to be entered. Using an id of "error" simulates an error condition.
If you wish to build the sample you will need Apache Maven installed.
Minimum requirements are Maven 3.3.9
and Java 8
Follow these commands to fetch the sample source, build and run:
git clone https://github.com/bordertech/restfriends-sample.git
cd restfriends-sample
mvn install
cd sample-app-lde
mvn lde-exec:run
Access swagger ui with http://localhost:8082/lde/launchswagger
Perform a simple GET with http://localhost:8082/lde/api/v1/app/MYID