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Chee Yong edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 13 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Listeners/Event Handling

You can customize this bot with listeners, having custom replies and able to perform some really cool actions when something happen (e.g. When someone closes a thread or when someone opens a thread and many more). But be aware of anything you're doing inside the listener as it may crash or cause the bot to malfunction.

  • Things To Be Aware Of:
    • Deleting Messages
    • Sending Messages
    • Reacting To Messages
    • Editing Channels
    • Delays

2. What's the customReply option in the config file for ?

As you know, there are many things you can customize when you set this bot up, but at the same time some users may not want to customize their bot and prefer to use the default replies, and this is what customReply for, if you would like to customize replies for/on some serious situation that requires some actions to prevent confusion. This option was disabled by default. Feel free to ask our support team on our support server if you need any help with this.

3. Support for other databases

This modmailbot only supports (currently) MongoDB, as its not easy for us to add support for more databases. With that said, if you can, please do contribute codes that adds support for other databases. 🤗🤗

4. Slash command support

No, we are not going to work and add support for slash commands only until Discord fully disallow bots to read messages (the message intent). As normally users will only add this Modmail Bot into at most, 2 servers and will not have any issue with message intents.