- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with objectivefs
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
ObjectiveFS is a "The reliable shared file system", and this module aims to make it actually easy to use ;)
ObjectiveFS is a shared distributed POSIX file system that provides persistent data storage among your cloud instances, laptops, containers and office servers.
This module helps install objectivefs binary, and set-up the mount-points.
This module will not help you obtain your S3 or Google Storage API keys.
- downloads and installs objectivefs package
- configures the objectivefs environment
- customizes configuration for mountpoints
This module will require puppet-archive
To simply install objectivefs, you have to at least give it your user id:
class { objectivefs:
uid => 'a7m3fig6c6',
However, that will only install the software, leaving it otherwise unconfigured, and, useless. Once you provide your license, you can actually start using it:
class { objectivefs:
uid => 'a7m3fig6c6',
license => 'license obtained from objectivefs.com',
access_key_id => 'access key id obtained from Google or AWS',
secret_access_key => 'secret access key obtained from Google or AWS',
We highly recommend keeping these values secret using hiera-eyaml, or hiera-vault.
This is the main class that drives the installation and the main configuration
The ObjectiveFS provided UID. This can be obtained from the package download URLs.
- String[9, 9]
- This parameter has no default
The package provider
- String
on RedHat derivatives,dpkg
on Debians.
External dependencies this package needs. Since we're installing through a low-level package provider, dependencies might not be resolved automatically. Here we provide an option to install them.
- Array[String]
[ 'fuse' ]
Where to store the package archive on disk. This directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
- Unixpath
Version to install. This must be a valid objectivefs version. Strings like
will not work.
- String
- 4.1.1
This is the URL where we download the package. There's generally no reason to change this, unless you're mirroring your own packages.
This is your ObjectiveFS license. This key is mandatory, and can be found on your profile
- String[24,24]
- String
- String
Default region when creating new filesystems.
- Optional[String]
- undef
This module has only been tested on Ubuntu so far.