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Original App Design Project - README Template

City Explorer


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



City Explorer allows users to get information about different cities around world. Cities can be found in mutiple ways, 1) By default info is shown about the user's home-town. Additionally CityExplorer can tap into the device's current location and return cities around them (50-mile radius). Lastly users can search for for a city they are intrested in and Google-Places API will attempt to locate the cloest matching result. Users can favorite locations they are interested in and the app will allow them to quickly retrieved them

App Evaluation

[Evaluation of your app across the following attributes]

  • Category: : Travel
  • Mobile:: Reccomendations, location based, local strorage
  • Story:: Would be a great way to discover new places for their next vacations, better understand the urban areas around them, and learn about different places across this planet
  • Market:: Anyone, especially those who enjoy traveling
  • Habit: : Informational, check when interested
  • Scope:: System can be built up in increments, build basic UI, add search functionality from API, implement user profile features, Add optional photo and other discovery features as time allows.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  1. ✅Provide basic geographic information about a location
  2. ✅Show an image representing this location
  3. ✅Search functionality of different cities
  4. ✅Users can bookmark their favorite location
  5. ✅Have a recent tab for recently viewed items

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  1. ✅Mutiple ways to find a city including implemntation of utilization of onboard GPS
  2. ✅User can change their name and home city
  3. ✅App logo and launch screen
  4. ✅Reset Application to erase user data
  5. ✅Added SFWebkit View Controller to integrate a wikipedia page for more information about a city directly within the app

2. Screen Archetypes

  1. User login
    • Creates user profile
  2. Home page
    • Discovery of cities nearby
    • Search bar
  3. User Profile page
    • Access recent and saved location
  4. City Information Page
    • Access data about a location
    • Access optional picture of location
  5. Settings Page
    • Allows users to edit settings and reset the application

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  1. Home
  2. User Profile

Modal Navigation (PopUp)

  1. Settings Page

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

Welcome screen -> User enters their information -> Saved presets -> brings them to home screen User clicks preview of a city on Home Screen -> Information is fetched and formatted for the requested location ->User views detailed information about a city User clicks the WikiID link to learn more about the location User choses to save this page by clickling the star on the right hand side below the image -> Back button is pressed-> User returns to main home screen User clicks CL Button -> Home screen refreshes with current location information -> User clicks preview of a city on Home Screen -> Information is fetched and formatted for the requested location -> User views detailed information about a city User clicks the WikiID link to learn more about the location User choses to save this page by clickling the star on the right hand side below the image -> Back button is pressed-> User returns to main home screen User clicks Search bar-> User types in a location -> Location is then processed through API and screen is refreshed with searched location information -> User clicks preview of a city on Home Screen -> Information is fetched and formatted for the requested location -> User views detailed information about a city User clicks the WikiID link to learn more about the location User choses to save this page by clickling the star on the right hand side below the image -> Back button is pressed-> User returns to main home screen User clicks user's tab -> User's profile tab is displayed with three opitions { Recently Viewed Cities, Saved Cities and Settings } User Profile -> Recents Page -> The User's Recently Viewed Cities is Retrieved -> More detailed information about a recent search location they viewed is presented -> User clicks preview of a city on Home Screen -> Information is fetched and formatted for the requested location ->User views detailed information about a city -> User returns to main home screen User Profile -> Recents Page -> The User's Recently Viewed Cities is Retrieved -> A list of all city they viewed recently is presented -> User clicks preview of a city the recently viewed -> Information is fetched and formatted for the requested location ->User views detailed information about a city User clicks the WikiID link to learn more about the location User choses to save this page by clickling the star on the right hand side below the image -> Back button is pressed-> User returns to main home screen User Profile -> Saved Page -> The User's saved cities is Retrieved -> A list of all city they saved is presented -> User clicks preview of a city they saved -> Information is fetched and formatted for the requested location ->User views detailed information about a city User clicks the WikiID link to learn more about the location User choses to save this page by clickling the star on the right hand side below the image -> Back button is pressed-> User returns to main home screen User clicks settings icon -> User's setting and information is loaded -> User changes a setting {Name or Home City} -> User clicks save -> User's updated settings are written to local storage -> Updated settings are reflected on user's user page (Search results from updated home city take place after reboot) User clicks settings -> User clicks reset settings -> Local storage and user info is erased -> User to told to restart the app

Windows Used

  1. Login
    • User info is first recorded and used throughout app
  2. Stream
    • Home screen, recently viewed screen and saved cities screen
  3. Detailed
    • City/location information is displayed in detailed. links to references for more information User can bookmark this lcoation using the star icon
  4. User Profile
    • User can see there name and hometown. They can also access cities they bookmarked and viewed recently
  5. Settings
    • User can edit there name and location, reset all information and data within the app



Cities DataModel : {
	- id: Int
	- wikiDataId: String
		- type: String
		- city: String
	- name: String
	- country: String
	- countryCode: String
	- region: String
	- regionCode: String
	- regionWdId: String
	- latitude: Double
	- longitude: Double
	- population: Int


APIS in use

  • Rapid's GeoDB
  • Google Places Photo
  • Google Places Details
  • Google Places Autocomplete
FOR SECURITY API KEYS ARE NOT PROVIDED (Sign up for them yourselves ) -


Codepath Capstone






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