A mystical and mysterious world of Virtual World with dudes, faries, bears and bobaCat
Once upon a time, there was a group of careless woodchoppers killing trees among the American wilderness. The magical fairies quickly flock to replenish such sinful and harmful actions to nature. All were curious of the pure origin of these mysterious dudes, not obeying instructions, purple in appearance and most importantly their obsession into one of the most stressful and energy intensive tasks: touching grass. It's only when you click the screen do you truly reveal the dark secrets behind these mystifying foresters. These are NOT dudes at all!! Ahhhhh It was a disguise all along. Who knew these creatures were up to such devilish acts… Beneath those ragged farm outfits, these fierce and hungry bears were furious that the big had wolf and his fairy tailed derived creatures of yellow cream puff shaped kept muching down upon their houses when they were simply to enjoy their morning porridge. Annoyed at the fairies persistently hiding their favorite honey in the tallest of trees they wreak havoc on the forest, killing more trees than even the most wasteful of individuals. The magical fairies, horrified by the fate of the future habitat, quickly turn the houses into boba shops and call Zuko’s and Mochi’s best friend(s): BobaCat!! uWu . With the power of sugar cone boba and 30% strawberry latte milk tea, these magical kitties have come in to save the world from these destructive bears. The bears are vicious, fiercely firing their honey infused bear bullets wildly across the already battered battlefield, but despite the rough conditions, bobaCat has strong determination to fight on until the end : where peace is restored in this dystopian universe of Virtual World.
UP- Moves camera angle up 1 pixel
DOWN- Moves camera angle down 1 pixel
LEFT- Moves camera angle left 1 pixel
RIGHT- Moves camera angle right 1 pixel
R-Resets the world
SPACE- Spawns new dudes (If a house is in a cave then spawns bears instead)
Ama : amandayu255