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Built a static webpage in HTML and CSS to gather information from undergraduate students on their knowledge of programming languages and framework technologies. Packaged a Dockerfile with Apache HTTP Server and created a Docker image to deploy on Amazon Elastic Container Registry and Microsoft Azure Container Registry.
Wrote embedded software in C++ as an avionics programmer of CSULB Beach Launch Team using a Raspberry Pi Pico to test the GT-U7 GPS module with the purpose of vehicle recovery and reusability. Used the TinyGPS++ Arduino library to encode and parse received NMEA data streams.
Built a relational database for a mock video streaming service provider in MySQL and designed a Entity-relationship model using Lucidchart diagramming software. Implemented database normalization to reduce data redundancy and generated sample query reports with abstract data analysis.
Built a desktop application in Java to visually demonstrate 5 sorting algorithms using Swing GUI widget toolkit. Implemented the Model-view-controller architectural pattern along with a finite-state machine for the software architectural design and used the JUnit testing framework to create and run unit tests.
Built a desktop application in Java to track and monitor crypto assets in scheduled one minute intervals. Created a dynamic graphical user interface using Swing GUI widget toolkit and implemented the Model-view-controller design pattern to decouple the business logic from the user interface. Used jsoup library to scrape and parse HTML documents from the destination website URL.