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TACtool is a desktop GUI tool for targeting and co-ordinating sampling points for microanalysis, using spatially resolved imagery, enabling their import directly into sampling systems such as a laser ablation system. The use of this tool dramatically improves analytical traceability and workflow efficiency in the lab.


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A graphical tool for selecting points for analysis on an SEM image

Getting started

You can download the TACtool application here:

On Windows, save it somewhere you'll remember, then just double-click the icon to run it (no installation necessary).

Instructions for using the application can be found here.

TACtool outputs a CSV file which contains your analysis points and their metadata. This can then be used to setup an analysis run on your micro-analysis system.

A guide for importing the resulting CSV into ESI laser control software can be found here.

Screenshot of the TACtool app with a black and white test image and labelled points.

Original Contributors

TACTool was initially developed within the British Geological Survey by:

  • Connor Newstead
  • Dan Sutton
  • Declan Valters
  • Leo Rudczenko
  • John A Stevenson

The original idea was by Connor Newstead and Matt Horstwood.


Community Contributions

If you would like to give feedback, ask questions, submit a bug report, or make a contribution to TACtool, you are welcome to submit an issue to the repository here.


Note: this is only if you want to run the tool from the source code. If you just want to use the app, see "Getting started" above.

Check out the repository and install dependencies using Anaconda.


conda env create -f environments/windows-environment.yml
conda activate tactool-windows


conda env create -f environments/macos-environment.yml
conda activate tactool-macos

Note: Both environments have been generated using environments/unversioned-environment.yml.

Running the Program

To run the program, first you need to setup your Python path.





Then you can run the program with:

python tactool/ --dev

The --dev flag starts the application in developer mode, with a test image pre-loaded into the GraphicsView.

Class Relationship Diagram

        direction LR

        class TACtool{
            Manages preloaded modes of the application
            +testing_mode: bool
            +window: Window
            +graphics_view: GraphicsView
            +graphics_scene: GraphicsScene
            +table_model: TableModel
            +table_view: TableView
            +set_scale_dialog: Optional[SetScaleDialog]
            +recoordinate_dialog: Optional[RecoordinateDialog]


        class Window {
            Main User Interface with data flow
            +testing_mode: bool
            +default_settings: dict[str, Any]
            +image_filepath: Optional[str]
            +csv_filepath: Optional[str]
            +point_colour: str
            +graphics_view: GraphicsView
            +graphics_scene: GraphicsScene
            +table_model: TableModel
            +table_view: TableView
            +set_scale_dialog: Optional[SetScaleDialog]
            +recoordinate_dialog: Optional[RecoordinateDialog]
            +menu_bar: QMenuBar
            +menu_bar_file: QMenu
            +import_image_button: QAction
            +export_image_button: QAction
            +import_tactool_csv_button: QAction
            +export_tactool_csv_button: QAction
            +recoordinate_sem_csv_button: QAction
            +menu_bar_tools: QMenu
            +ghost_point_button: QAction
            +status_bar: QStatusBar
            +sample_name_input: QLineEdit
            +mount_name_input: QLineEdit
            +material_input: QLineEdit
            +label_input: QComboBox
            +colour_button: QPushButton
            +diameter_input: QSpinBox
            +scale_value_input: QLineEdit
            +set_scale_button: QPushButton
            +clear_points_button: QPushButton
            +reset_ids_button: QPushButton
            +reset_settings_button: QPushButton
            +status_bar_messages: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
            +main_input_widgets: list[QWidget]
            +dialogs: list[QDialog]

            +add_analysis_point(x, y, apid, label, diameter, scale, colour, sample_name, mount_name, material, notes, use_windows_inputs, ghost)
            +add_ghost_point(x, y)
            +remove_analysis_point(x, y, apid)
            +reload_analysis_points(index, transform)
            +get_point_settings(analysis_point, clicked_column_index)
            +update_point_settings(label, diameter, scale, colour, sample_name, mount_name, material)

        class TableView{
            Manage the display of TableModel data
            +signal: selected_analysis_point(analysis_point, column)

        class TableModel{
            Manage AnalysisPoint data
            +headers: list[str]
            +_data: list[list[Any]]
            +editable_columns: list[int]
            +public_headers: list[str]
            +analysis_points: list[AnalysisPoint]
            +reference_points: list[AnalysisPoint]
            +next_point_id: int

            +headerData(section, orientation, role)
            +data(index, role)
            +setData(index, value, role)
            signal: updated_analysis_point(index)

        class AnalysisPoint{
            Create AnalysisPoint data
            +id: int
            +label: str
            +x: int
            +y: int
            +diameter: int
            +scale: float
            +colour: str
            +sample_name: str
            +mount_name: str
            +material: str
            +notes: str
            +_outer_ellipse: QGraphicsEllipseItem
            +_inner_ellipse: QGraphicsEllipseItem
            +_label_text_item: QGraphicsTextItem


        class GraphicsView{
            Manage user interaction and visual display of GraphicsScene
            +_zoom: int
            +_empty: bool
            +_image: QGraphicsPixmapItem
            +disable_analysis_points: bool
            +navigation_mode: bool
            +scaling_mode: bool
            +scale_start_point: QPointF
            +scale_end_point: QPointF
            +graphics_scene: GraphicsScene

            +signal: left_click(x, y)
            +signal: right_click(x, y)
            +signal: scale_move_event(pixel_distance)
            +signal: move_ghost_point(x, y)

        class GraphicsScene{
            Manage items painted on image
            +scaling_group: QGraphicsItemGroup
            +scaling_line: QGraphicsLineItem
            +transparent_window: QGraphicsRectItem

            +add_analysis_point(x, y, apid, label, diameter, colour, scale, ghost)
            +move_analysis_point(ap, x_change, y_change)
            +get_ellipse_at(x, y)
            +draw_scale_line(start_point, end_point)
            +draw_scale_point(x, y)

        class SetScaleDialog{
            Allows the user to interactively calculate a scale
            +testing_mode: bool
            +pixel_input_default: str
            +set_scale_button: QPushButton
            +clear_scale_button: QPushButton
            +cancel_button: QPushButton
            +distance_input: QSpinBox
            +pixel_input: QLineEdit
            +scale_value: QLineEdit

            signal: clear_scale_clicked()
            signal: set_scale_clicked(scale)
            signal: closed_set_scale_dialog()

        class RecoordinateDialog{
            Allows the user to recoordinate an SEM CSV file
            +testing_mode: bool
            +ref_points: list[AnalysisPoint]
            +image_size: QSize
            +recoordinated_point_dicts: list[dict[str, str | int | float]]
            +input_csv_button: QPushButton
            +input_csv_filepath_label: QLineEdit
            +recoordinate_button: QPushButton
            +cancel_button: QPushButton

            signal: closed_recoordinate_dialog()

        TACtool *-- Window
        Window *-- GraphicsView
        Window *-- TableView
        Window *-- SetScaleDialog
        Window *-- RecoordinateDialog
        TableView *-- TableModel
        TableModel *-- AnalysisPoint
        GraphicsView *-- GraphicsScene

        Window <.. TableView : selected_analysis_point(analysis_point, column)
        Window <.. TableModel : updated_analysis_point(index)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : left_click(x, y)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : right_click(x, y)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : scale_move_event(pixel_distance)
        Window <.. GraphicsView : move_ghost_point(x, y)
        Window <.. SetScaleDialog : clear_scale_clicked()
        Window <.. SetScaleDialog : set_scale_clicked(scale)
        Window <.. SetScaleDialog : closed_set_scale_dialog()
        Window <.. RecoordinateDialog : closed_recoordinate_dialog()


Ensure you have setup your Python path. Then you can run the tests with:

pytest -vv test/

Create a standalone executable using PyInstaller

pyinstaller --name="TACtool" --windowed --paths=. --onefile tactool/

Run the above code and a .spec file and dist/ build/ directories will be created.


TACtool is distributed under the GPL v3.0 licence.

Copyright: © BGS / UKRI 2023


TACtool is a desktop GUI tool for targeting and co-ordinating sampling points for microanalysis, using spatially resolved imagery, enabling their import directly into sampling systems such as a laser ablation system. The use of this tool dramatically improves analytical traceability and workflow efficiency in the lab.







No packages published

Contributors 4

