To build the Laserharp you need:
- a bipolar (4 wire) Stepper motor with a small mirror to deflect the Laserbeam
- a steppermotor-driver, for example with a L297 and L298 (the schematics can be found here)
- a powerful Laserpointer
- a LDR-resistor and a 1uF Capacitor
- a Raspberry Pi 3
First clone this repository to your Pi, and install the Software for Sonic Pi to create a sound:
Then conect your Stepper-Driver like this:
enablepin: GPIO 23
clockpin: GPIO 4
directionpin: GPIO 18
half_full_pin: GPIO 17
controllpin: GPIO 27
Ls_pin: GPIO 22
photosensor: GPIO 24
I also used a Light barrier to bring the stepper in Startposition, but you can also uncomment startposition() in
To test the single parts of your hardware you can use the Programs.