In this tutorial, it is assumed that you have a succesfull installation of the CDK and the AWS CLI tools. Moreover you should have access to an AWS account and have already set your credentials.
You create a new AWS CDK project by invoking "cdk init" in an empty directory. In this case the language I've chosen was python.
mkdir cdk
cd cdk
cdk init app --language python
Activate the virtual environment if not already activated.
source .venv/bin/activate
Then install the requirements.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Bootstrap the CDK project just the first time. This creates the necessary resources to deploy a CDK application.
cdk bootstrap
To list all available cdk stacks to deploy.
cdk list
To synthesize the application and get cloudformation output files.
cdk synthesize
To deploy to the cloud (this will deploy both the code and the cloud resources)
cdk deploy
The cdk project deploys a single page application without a backend.The main AWS services it uses are S3 to store the files, Cloudfront to distribute the files and Cloudformation to build the stack.