+ Anacoda 3.7
+ Python 3.7
+ Pip
Repository should contain a file called ".gitignore" which prevents the ".env" file and its secret credentials from being tracked in version control.
The source code excludes secret API Key value.
The system prompts the user to input one stock symbol (e.g. "MSFT", "AAPL", etc.). Code fails if stock does not match. "There was an error. Please make sure your ticker symbol is correct."
Prevents an HTTP request if stock symbol not likely to be valid (e.g. symbol of "8888")
Fails gracefully if encountering a response error (e.g. symbol of "OOPS")
Historical prices are written to a CSV file, file path indicated on output
All prices formatted to USD (doesn't apply to CSV file values)
Displays final recommendation, Yes/No
Justification / context = If the stock's latest closing price is less than 20% above its recent low, "Buy", else "Don't Buy".