Pawn your illiquid or underperforming NFTs, save thousands in tax money or simply get some liquidity during tough times.
🛠 This project requires NodeJS v16.x
or above. See: Node installation instructions
🛠 This project requires flow-cli v0.49.0
or above. See: Flow CLI installation instructions
git clone
cd nft-pawnshop
npm install
Run the emulator with:
flow emulator --storage-limit=false --contracts --coverage-reporting -v
and create a few accounts that will be used for demonstrating the basic flows.
flow keys generate --output=json > peter.json
flow keys generate --output=json > emulator-admin.json
flow keys generate --output=json > john-buyer.json
# Create an account for each of the three keys above, in the same order.
flow accounts create --key
Make sure to update the private keys in the flow.json
Deploy the contracts with:
flow project deploy --network=emulator
Perform the necessary setup for the NFTPawnshop
contract, and the admin account:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/setup_storefront.cdc --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/setup_nft_catalog.cdc --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/transfer_flow_tokens.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca 1500.0 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-account
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/fund_admin_vault.cdc 1000.0 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
node cadence/transactions/add_admin_collection.mjs
With a proper setup, we should get:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_balance.cdc --network=emulator
Result: 1000.00000000
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_collection_names.cdc --network=emulator
Result: ["ExampleNFT"]
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_sale_price.cdc --network=emulator
Result: 15.00000000
Let's setup the account of peter
, to hold some NFTs from the ExampleNFT
collection, which is included on the NFTCatalog
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/transfer_flow_tokens.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 1500.0 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-account
node cadence/transactions/setup_collection.mjs "ExampleNFT" peter
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/setup_account_to_receive_royalty.cdc '/storage/flowTokenVault' --network=emulator --signer=emulator-account
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/mint_nft.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 'My Example NFT' 'My Example NFT Description' '' '[0.05]' '["Tribute to Creator!"]' '[0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7]' --network=emulator --signer=emulator-account
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/mint_nft.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 'My Example NFT #2' 'My Example NFT Description #2' '' '[0.02]' '["Tribute to Creator!"]' '[0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7]' --network=emulator --signer=emulator-account
The above account, should now contain 2 NFTs, which the holder can pawn to the contract:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_collection_ids.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 --network=emulator
Result: [0, 1]
To pawn NFTs for a specific collection, run:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/setup_pledge_collection.cdc --network=emulator --signer=peter
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/pawn_nfts.cdc "ExampleNFT" '[1]' --network=emulator --signer=peter
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/pawn_nfts.cdc "ExampleNFT" '[0]' --network=emulator --signer=peter
Note that multiple NFTs for a specific collection can be pawned with a single transaction also, by
passing '[0, 1]'
. For demo purposes, we made it in two transactions.
Let's observe the side effects of these transactions:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_balance.cdc --network=emulator
# The admin account currently pays 15 FLOW tokens for each NFT, that's why its
# balance was reduced by 30 FLOW tokens (2 * 15 = 30). In the real world, each
# NFT should be properly valuated by the owner of the pawnshop.
Result: 970.00000000
flow accounts get 0xe03daebed8ca0615
# The 30 FLOW tokens were deposited to the account of `peter`
Address 0xe03daebed8ca0615
Balance 1530.00000000
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_collection_ids.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 --network=emulator
# After pawning the 2 NFTs from the `ExampleNFT` collection, the account of `peter`
# has no NFTs in its collection, which is expected.
Result: []
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_collection.cdc "ExampleNFT" --network=emulator
# This implies that the 2 NFTs, were deposited to the `ExampleNFT` collection of the
# admin account.
Result: [1, 0]
As with real-world pawn shops, the account of peter
receives a pledge, which allows
the debitor to redeem the pawned NFTs, within the period of a year, by paying the sale
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_pledge_collection_info.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 --network=emulator
Result: [
id: 56,
debitor: 0xe03daebed8ca0615,
expiry: 1704892702.00000000,
pawns: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop.NFTPawnInfo(
collectionIdentifier: "ExampleNFT",
nftIDs: [0],
salePrice: 15.00000000
id: 58,
debitor: 0xe03daebed8ca0615,
expiry: 1704892698.00000000,
pawns: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop.NFTPawnInfo(
collectionIdentifier: "ExampleNFT",
nftIDs: [1],
salePrice: 15.00000000
The above exists as a resource (NFTPawnshop.PledgeCollection
) in the account storage of peter
However, the same info can be found in the contract:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_pledges.cdc --network=emulator
Result: {
58: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop.PledgeInfo(
id: 58,
debitor: 0xe03daebed8ca0615,
expiry: 1704892698.00000000,
pawns: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop.NFTPawnInfo(
collectionIdentifier: "ExampleNFT",
nftIDs: [1],
salePrice: 15.00000000
56: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop.PledgeInfo(
id: 56,
debitor: 0xe03daebed8ca0615,
expiry: 1704892702.00000000,
pawns: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop.NFTPawnInfo(
collectionIdentifier: "ExampleNFT",
nftIDs: [0],
salePrice: 15.00000000
Let's see how peter
can redeem each of the pawned NFTs:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/redeem_pledge.cdc "ExampleNFT" 56 --network=emulator --signer=peter
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/redeem_pledge.cdc "ExampleNFT" 58 --network=emulator --signer=peter
Let's observe the side effects of this transaction:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_balance.cdc --network=emulator
# The admin account received 30 FLOW tokens
Result: 1000.00000000
flow accounts get 0xe03daebed8ca0615
# The account of `peter` paid 30 FLOW tokens
Address 0xe03daebed8ca0615
Balance 1500.00000000
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_collection_ids.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 --network=emulator
# The `ExampleNFT` collection of `peter` regained possession of the 2 pawned NFTs
Result: [0, 1]
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_collection.cdc "ExampleNFT" --network=emulator
# The `ExampleNFT` collection of `emulator-admin` is now empty.
Result: []
Upon successful redemption, the contract should have no pledges now:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_admin_pledges.cdc --network=emulator
Result: {}
This was the basic flow where an account holder pawned some NFTs, received some FLOW tokens and was able to redeem them, during the grace period, without needing any permission from the smart contract or its admin.
Now let's see what would happen in the scenario where an account holder was not able to redeem during the grace period.
The default grace period is 1 year, so let's reduce it to just a second, for our demo. This doesn't affect already existing pledges. We also changed the sale price to 10 FLOW tokens, this also doesn't affect already existing pledges.
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/update_default_expiry.cdc 1.0 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/update_sale_price.cdc 10.0 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
This time, peter
pawns just one NFT:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/pawn_nfts.cdc "ExampleNFT" '[1]' --network=emulator --signer=peter
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_pledge_collection_info.cdc 0xe03daebed8ca0615 --network=emulator
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/redeem_pledge.cdc "ExampleNFT" 62 --network=emulator --signer=peter
error: panic: The reedem period has expired!
--> 045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop:109:16
The redeem was unsuccessful. This means that the admin account can only now transfer the proceeds, meaning the expired pledges.
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/admin_transfer_proceeds.cdc "ExampleNFT" 0x045a1763c93006ca --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
To verify that it worked:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_collection_ids.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca --network=emulator
Result: [1]
The NFTPawnshop
contract, and the account where it is deployed, has NFTStorefrontV2
meaning it can sell the proceeds:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/sell_item_via_catalog.cdc "ExampleNFT" 1 7.5 "NFT Pawnshop Marketplace" 0.0 1704124654 '[]' --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
Let's view the created listing and its details:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_storefront_ids.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca --network=emulator
Result: [63]
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_listing_details.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca 63 --network=emulator
Result: A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTStorefrontV2.ListingDetails(
storefrontID: 37,
purchased: false,
nftType: Type<A.f8d6e0586b0a20c7.ExampleNFT.NFT>(),
nftUUID: 45,
nftID: 1,
salePaymentVaultType: Type<A.0ae53cb6e3f42a79.FlowToken.Vault>(),
salePrice: 7.50000000,
saleCuts: [
receiver: Capability<&AnyResource{A.ee82856bf20e2aa6.FungibleToken.Receiver}>(address: 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7, path: /public/GenericFTReceiver),
amount: 0.15000000
receiver: Capability<&AnyResource{A.ee82856bf20e2aa6.FungibleToken.Receiver}>(address: 0x045a1763c93006ca, path: /public/flowTokenReceiver),
amount: 7.35000000
customID: "NFT Pawnshop Marketplace",
commissionAmount: 0.00000000,
expiry: 1704124654
We can buy this listing with the john-buyer
# First we need to setup the account's collection.
node cadence/transactions/setup_collection.mjs "ExampleNFT" john-buyer
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/transfer_flow_tokens.cdc 0x120e725050340cab 1500.0 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-account
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/buy_item_via_catalog.cdc "ExampleNFT" 63 0x045a1763c93006ca 0x045a1763c93006ca --network=emulator --signer=john-buyer
We can verify the purchase with:
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_collection_ids.cdc 0x120e725050340cab --network=emulator
Result: [1]
While at it, let's cleanup the purchased listing from the Storefront:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/cleanup_purchased_listings.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca 63 --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
flow scripts execute ./cadence/scripts/get_storefront_ids.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca --network=emulator
Result: []
This was the basic flow from the side of the pawn shop's admin, showing how to utilise the expired pledges.
From the perspective of the debitor (account holder with a Pledge
resource), the only accessible method is the redeemNFT
, which accepts the collection identifier, the NonFungibleToken.Receiver
capability and a FungibleToken.Vault
containing the necessary fees.
pub resource Pledge: PledgePublic, PledgePrivate {
access(contract) let debitor: Address
access(contract) let expiry: UFix64
access(contract) let pawns: NFTPawnInfo
The debitor
, expiry
and pawns
fields can only be accessed by the contract itself, not even the
resource owner. To verify, run:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/user_rug_pull.cdc "ExampleNFT" 50 --network=emulator --signer=peter
error: cannot access `expiry`: field has contract access
--> 8778a81dba69f9b99095b68eb0568f932c7d0c1adaf1d3ed21867d8547bc95e3:17:8
17 | pledge.expiry = 1735825572.0
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: cannot assign to `expiry`: field has contract access
--> 8778a81dba69f9b99095b68eb0568f932c7d0c1adaf1d3ed21867d8547bc95e3:17:15
17 | pledge.expiry = 1735825572.0
| ^^^^^^ consider making it publicly settable with `pub(set)`
error: cannot assign to constant member: `expiry`
--> 8778a81dba69f9b99095b68eb0568f932c7d0c1adaf1d3ed21867d8547bc95e3:17:15
17 | pledge.expiry = 1735825572.0
From the perspective of the admin account, where the contract is deployed, the pawned NFTs and their respective collections, are also accessible only to the contract itself, and not the admin account.
access(contract) let collections: @{String: NonFungibleToken.Collection}
The admin account, which has an Admin
resource in the account storage, can only call the
method, which also accepts a NonFungibleToken.Receiver
capability. This method
does not touch pledges within the grace period:
if (pledgeInfo.expiry > getCurrentBlock().timestamp) {
To verify, run:
flow transactions send ./cadence/transactions/admin_rug_pull.cdc "ExampleNFT" 0xac69e3c69589639e --network=emulator --signer=emulator-admin
error: cannot access `collections`: field has contract access
--> ee977550c874e35dbff1f341c0b2497e5688482eb18bfe456e6d0bc7c8a4095c:18:27
18 | let collection = (&NFTPawnshop.collections[identifier] as auth &NonFungibleToken.Collection?)!
By interacting with the Emulator when:
- Deploying smart contracts,
- Executing scripts,
- Sending transactions
we are able to get the code coverage for our NFTPawnshop
smart contract. Head over to http://localhost:8080/emulator/codeCoverage and search for the A.045a1763c93006ca.NFTPawnshop
key in the resulting JSON response. It should look something like this:
That is quite a lot of code that we managed to cover with our demo!
This part is still a work-in-progress! More to come soon 🙏