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This project is a clone of a very famous Movie Streaming platform in India. I have tried to create a very detailed clone of the platform. I have used Next.js for the developing the clone of this platform.

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Movie Streaming App


What is project?

  • This project is a clone of a very famous Streaming platform in India. I have tried to create a very detailed clone of the platform. I have used Next.js for the developing the clone of this platform. I have used libraries like SWR, TailwindCss, Swiperjs and Sharp. I have used TMDB for getting data.

Reason to use certain technology

  • In the project, I have used Next,js because of its ultimate feature, i.e., Server Side Rendering. And also I wanted to understand How Server Side Rendering as a concept. I used SWR library because to use client side for a certain situations like rendering an individual movie/show detail page at the user's demand (Will Improve). I used TailwindCss for styling. I used Swiperjs to create beautiful sliders as you might have seen on the top of the Homepage. I used Sharp because Nextjs recommended it to use for the Image OptimizationšŸ˜….

The problems I faced

  • I spend a lot of time exploring the API. It was hard to get the right endpoints for the API to get certian movies/shows. I faced challenges when rendering Images as they were contantly throwing errors. I faced problems in dynamic routing of the app as it was not possible to define the ids of all the movies and shows for in the app.

Project Setup for Local Development

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd Disney-Plus-hotstar-Clone

Install Dependencies

npm install

Create your .env file and Set it up


Project Strucutre

components -|
            |- cards ----|- Card.js
            |            |- CardLoading.js
            |            |- CardSlider.js
            |- movie ----|- MovieDetails.js
            |            |- MovieWatchCard.js
            |- shows ----|- Episodes.js
            |            |- Seasons.js
            |            |- ShowDetails.js
            |            |- SimilarShows.js
            |            |- TvWatchCard.js
            |- videoCard ----|- CardContainer.js
            |                |- VideoCard.js
            |- ChannelHero.js
            |- Extras.js
            |- Footer.js
            |- Hero.js
            |- HeroLoading.js
            |- Layout.js
            |- Menu.js
            |- Navbar.js
            |- Search.js
            |- SwiperSlider.js
pages -|
       |- channel ----|- [slug].js
       |- disney ----|- index.js
       |- movies ----|- lang ----|- [lang].js
       |             |- [id].js
       |- shows ----|- genre ----|- [type].js
       |            |- seasons ----|- [showid].js ----|- [seasonid].js
       |            |- [id].js
       |- _app.js
       |- index.js
       |- search.js
public -|
        |- images/
        |- videos/
        |- logo.svg
services -|
          |- channel - API Logics for getting all Catgeories/Channels from disney+
          |- disney - API Logics for getting diney home
          |- fetchById - API Logic for individual movie/Show
          |- hotstar - API Logics for getting hotstar home
          |- genres.js
styles -|
        |- global.css
utils -|
       |- disney ----|- movieURL.js
                     |- tvURL.js
       |- hostar ----|- movieURL.js
                     |- tvURL.js'


Screenshot (102)

Screenshot (104)


This project is a clone of a very famous Movie Streaming platform in India. I have tried to create a very detailed clone of the platform. I have used Next.js for the developing the clone of this platform.




