A simple Ionic boilerplate using AngularJS, Webpack and ES6
Julien Renaux Alias : Shprink for the big contribution. And his incredible work with ios-android-wordpress-ionic-webpack-ES6
npm install
# Cordova
cp config.dist.xml config.xml
npm run installCordova
# Web
npm run devserver
# Android
npm run runAndroid
# iOS
npm run runIosEmulator
npm run runIosDevice
Just added ng-translate to the boilerplate ! Here how it works :
Create a folder translation in the module where you want to use ng-translate
then create a file named en.json (for english) and put your translation
Webpack will automatically merge every en.json files into one.
then you can use it like that : {{ 'ui.home.title' | translate }} into your HTML
You can find an example into the home module. Look into the webpack.config to see how to add new language.