This is my first project on Python. Initially I check on internet to find what kind of script are easy to begin code on Python. I found on Instagram a post, with 5 or 10 (I don't remember exactly) scripts easy to code and good for learning Python. Password generator was one of this.
I google it and find french website with an example code for passwd generator. I don't directly copy the code, but rewrite it to "understand" how it's work and the way for coding that.
After the script finish and work on console mode, I thinking to make a GUI for this script. And it's here appear tKinter (base packages in Python). So let's go, find documentation, read it, play with it.
First create the shape of the GUI, logo, checkbox, user entry for the lenght of passwd and button to generate it. To be honest not so difficult (very basic GUI) The plan for the GUI is adding a clipboard feature, maybe a sort of stored section where you can find old generate passwd.