Releases: C2SM/icon4py
Releases · C2SM/icon4py
Tag for the version before tracer advection
What's Changed
- Remove test fixture for OTF backends by @edopao in #403
- Enable test on local-area icon grid by @edopao in #407
- remove column_axis from StencilInfo and generate_gtheader by @halungge in #418
- Include dace fix from master branch by @edopao in #419
- Switch to workflow-based dace backend by @edopao in #422
- update PAST node access pattern from Program instance by @edopao in #423
- Update dace version for CI by @edopao in #426
- remove zero stencils from dycore/state_utils/ by @halungge in #425
- fix and rename helper function to recognize python backends. by @halungge in #430
- Move backend to common/model_backend and replace offset_provider in a… by @OngChia in #412
- Remove lhdiff_rcf from solve_nonhydro config by @OngChia in #431
- Clean up SimpleGridData e2c2v field #408 by @iomaganaris in #432
- Remove gt4py program workaround by @samkellerhals in #436
- Remove before fields in substitution mode by @huppd in #416
- set limited_area correctly for experiments by @halungge in #434
- Allow whitespaces in START STENCIL directive for name argument by @stelliom in #414
- Added style rules for arguments of Liskov directives to style-guide by @stelliom in #424
- fix the order of the origin to be in first place to match ICON index … by @halungge in #439
- [py2fgen]: support for Fortran granules by @samkellerhals in #402
- Fix stencil test classes names by @huppd in #391
- [py2f] fix for diffusion wrapper by @abishekg7 in #441
- fix icon4pygen by @huppd in #442
- Fix repeated fused stencil test by @stelliom in #443
- Allow multiple accessed dimensions in fields passed to START STENCIL by @stelliom in #444
- Timeloop global experiment test by @OngChia in #438
- Porting of metric fields by @nfarabullini in #437
- add functionality to return a zero_field for optional fields on the serializer by @halungge in #450
- (Fix) roundtrip import by @halungge in #453
- WIP: Greenline metrics coefficients aj by @ajocksch in #429
- Fix parallel tests by @halungge in #428
- Metrics fields second batch by @nfarabullini in #454
- Initial condition for jw test by @OngChia in #446
- [icon4pygen]: Print error message when codegen fails in tests by @tehrengruber in #411
- Enable
stencils and modules in Liskov by @ninaburg in #358 - In the in build instructions add update to pip and setuptools by @muellch in #435
New Contributors
- @iomaganaris made their first contribution in #432
- @stelliom made their first contribution in #414
Full Changelog: v0.0.10...v0.0.11
What's Changed
- Dycore in mixed-precision by @ninaburg in #301
- Bugfixes due to wrong dimensions in greenline by @halungge in #319
- Fix solve nonhydro divdamp fac o2 by @halungge in #313
- Update stable gt4py version by @abishekg7 in #321
- Timeloop by @OngChia in #308
- Pass domain sizes to all programs by @samkellerhals in #320
- Using custom workspaces in jenkins by @abishekg7 in #325
- (fix) - remove divdamp_fac_o2 from SolveNonHydroConfig as it is a run… by @halungge in #323
- Change gt4py branch to latest stable in spack-PR-icon by @abishekg7 in #326
- fixes for BFB by @abishekg7 in #314
- Fused velocity advection hud by @huppd in #286
- Stencil cleanup by @huppd in #328
- Fix pr 286 by @halungge in #331
- Fix greenline dependencies by @halungge in #327
- fix merge errors in by @halungge in #334
- Add gpu benchmark by @samkellerhals in #330
- Add support for optional dace backend by @edopao in #335
- Cleanup nh constants by @halungge in #339
- Verify global model by @halungge in #315
- Remove and rename duplicate stencils by @huppd in #332
- Cleanup solve nonhydro interface:
by @halungge in #341 - Add serialised data to ci by @samkellerhals in #338
- Update dataset by @halungge in #345
- Streamline CI by @samkellerhals in #344
- Change boost download server by @samkellerhals in #346
- remove code duplication by @huppd in #342
- fix field size of refin_ctl arrays by @halungge in #348
- Refactor advection stencils to use
by @samkellerhals in #336 - update code generation by @halungge in #353
- Corrector stencil 60 by @halungge in #350
- add C2V connectivity to the IconGrid generated from serialbox data by @halungge in #357
- Update stable gt4py version for spack test by @abishekg7 in #355
- Generate grid sizes in icon4pygen by @samkellerhals in #317
- Refactor advection stencils to use
- Part 2 by @ninaburg in #351 - Rename set and copy stencils by @huppd in #347
- add ICON-Liskov integration style-guide by @huppd in #363
- Markdown formatting fixes by @samkellerhals in #369
- rename stencils in velocity advection by @huppd in #366
- change TEST_DATA_PATH by @halungge in #372
- Skip offset provider when connectivity is missing by @tehrengruber in #373
- Fix automatic closure domain argument adaption by @tehrengruber in #370
- Rename stencils from mo_solve_nondyro first batch. by @huppd in #376
- Add full trace and local variables to pytest trace by @samkellerhals in #377
- Allocate connectivity arrays on gpu memory for execution on gpu backends by @edopao in #359
- Rename second batch of stencils in mo_solve_nonhydro by @huppd in #379
- Fix test dependencies on savepoints by @halungge in #349
- Add diamond to gridmanager by @halungge in #352
- Special case string cleaning for DSL INSERT by @samkellerhals in #381
- Update CI config to use new template for container build by @edopao in #382
- Allow multipe field operators in program, pass array sizes to bindings gen, integrate fused vel_adv 1_to_7 and 8_to_13 by @muellch in #261
- Fix CI (0d field slice) by @edopao in #383
- Enable benchmark on DaCe GPU backend by @edopao in #378
- Import gtfn backends exposed by next module (cached version) by @edopao in #361
- add nudgecoeffs_e and wgtfac_c by @jonasjucker in #322
- fix flaky mixed precision failures in tests by @halungge in #386
- Datatest on ci by @halungge in #380
- Metrics reference atmosphere fields by @halungge in #384
- Remove input field slicing in stencil tests by @edopao in #390
- ruff integration by @samkellerhals in #393
- Changes to solve_nonhydro stencils 57, 58 by @abishekg7 in #356
- Fix test smagorinski and solve nonhydro by @halungge in #396
- Simplify stencil btraj_dreg_stencil_01 by @edopao in #397
- Fix LiftMode enum attr access by @samkellerhals in #398
- Adapt py2fgen for gt4py programs by @samkellerhals in #371
- Fix
fixture that broke with gt4py#1470 by @tehrengruber in #401 - Icon grid from gridfile by @halungge in #395
- Port wgtfacq_c to numpy by @jonasjucker in #394
- Change test fixture is_otf into util function by @edopao in #404
- Updating requirements by @abishekg7 in #405
New Contributors
- @edopao made their first contribution in #335
- @tehrengruber made their first contribution in #373
Full Changelog: v0.0.9...v0.0.10
What's Changed
- Porting the tracer advection to gt4py by @ninaburg in #252
- Reverting by @abishekg7 in #282
- Add CSCS CI Runners by @DropD in #275
- optional dependencies by @halungge in #283
- QA actions by @halungge in #285
- load via config files by @halungge in #287
- Greenline: Implement nhsolve by @abishekg7 in #185
- [Jenkins] Execute pipelines serial by @jonasjucker in #288
- Unified prognostic state by @OngChia in #289
- Isolate stencil tests by @halungge in #281
- Rename stencil bounds for solve nonhydro 59 - needed to fix icon-exclaim after greenline merge by @muellch in #290
- (fix) call to stencil_59 in by @halungge in #291
- Fix cleanup velocity advection fields by @halungge in #296
- (refactor) Remove deprecated indices function by @halungge in #294
- Add unit tests for fused liskov by @huppd in #264
- Fix type errors liskov validation by @samkellerhals in #298
- Renaming gt4py version names in spack by @abishekg7 in #293
- Fix solve nonhydro timestep interface by @halungge in #297
- Add non_hydro_39_40 by @samkellerhals in #295
- fix gtfn imports by @samkellerhals in #303
- update the spack-stable build to gt4py version by @halungge in #306
- add noqa A004 for imports of gt4py-builtins abs by @halungge in #309
- Homogenise grid interface by @samkellerhals in #300
- Halo exchanges nh solve by @halungge in #302
- Change float power to integer power by @huppd in #311
- Skip no neighbor stencils by @samkellerhals in #310
- add class name to cache key by @halungge in #312
- Move to Clariden cluster and fix codegen regex by @samkellerhals in #316
- Fixes for new gt4py default backend by @ninaburg in #318
Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v0.0.9
Introduces velocity advection bug fixes by @muellch in #280.
What's Changed
- Workaround a change in GT4Py by @havogt in #197
- [Jenkins] Daily plan with Spack by @jonasjucker in #191
- [Fix] use shutil.which to find fprettify by @jonasjucker in #203
- Index stencils field view implementation by @muellch in #199
- Introduce version by @samkellerhals in #205
- patching v0.0.3.1 with @muellch vel adv bug fixes by @abishekg7 in #280
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.3.1
The pre-tracer advection release. Tests are green after the big greenline dycore merge, but does not include greenline nhsolve.
What's Changed
- Merge greenline to main by @halungge in #260
- [CI] add option to use custom spack-c2sm branch for spack tests by @jonasjucker in #268
- Fix test references (assuming wrap around) by @havogt in #270
- Fix typing in icon4pytools by @samkellerhals in #267
- Ignore delete statements in fused mode by @huppd in #266
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.8
What's Changed
- Bug fixes in velocity advection stencils 14, 18 and 20, related to the cfl_clipping condition by @muellch in #258
- [CI] add Jenkinsfile to test icon-exclaim by @jonasjucker in #244
- [CI] Choose version of gt4py by @jonasjucker in #248
- Fused diffusion stencils by @huppd in #250
- Remind about tests by @jonasjucker in #257
- Benchmark more tests by @samkellerhals in #242
- Fix pre-commit and QA configs by @egparedes in #262
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7
What's Changed
- Stencil benchmarking & Test refactoring by @samkellerhals in #220
- (fix) remove
by @halungge in #230 - PR types to run actions by @halungge in #228
- [CI-Spack] remove test with stable version of gt4py by @jonasjucker in #236
- [CI-spack] add test with stable gt4py by @jonasjucker in #237
- add path and branch filter for workflow triggers to further reduce runs. by @halungge in #233
- WIP: Multiline declaration handling fix created by @ChristopherBignamini in #239
- Introduce icon4py model by @samkellerhals in #221
- Update patch version by @samkellerhals in #247
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
What's Changed
- Workaround a change in GT4Py by @havogt in #197
- [Jenkins] Daily plan with Spack by @jonasjucker in #191
- [Fix] use shutil.which to find fprettify by @jonasjucker in #203
- Index stencils field view implementation by @muellch in #199
- Introduce version by @samkellerhals in #205
- Add Fortran Serialisation Framework by @samkellerhals in #175
- Introduce better argument order by @samkellerhals in #213
- Add error for missing command by @samkellerhals in #216
- Add icon4pytools by @samkellerhals in #206
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4
What's Changed
- Rework Dawn Headers by @mroethlin in #138
- Fix bug in metadata extraction: only consider offset labels by @havogt in #173
- Build integration fixes by @samkellerhals in #171
- Adapt to new sparse field handling by @havogt in #168
- Import Any from standard typing lib by @samkellerhals in #179
- Liskov changes by @muellch in #181
- Add icon4pygen namespace package by @samkellerhals in #177
- change fprettify path if invoked from spack by @abishekg7 in #184
- Fixed code generation bug in case there are no tolerance fields by @muellch in #188
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3
What's Changed
- Add icon-liskov DSL Preprocessor by @samkellerhals in #117
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2