Watch for a connection with ÖBB Nightjet and send a notification to your Telegram if its available to book.
I am still working on the messages, but they look something like this:
For the first query on February connections where found. For the query for April there were no bookable connections yet.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Get your telegram API keys using these instructions
To watch for a connection between Berlin and Strassburg on the 9th or 10th of February 2024 run:
python3 -b <your_tele_token> nightjet -y 2024 -m 2 -d 9 -f Berlin -t Strassburg -a 2 -i 60
Query will be executed every 60 minutes. Upon execution you should receive a test notification on your telegram account. You will receive further notifications when a bookable connection is found.
This project was inspired by the following projects
- nightjetter for retrieving information about the ÖBB nightjet trains
- telepot for sending notifications to your telegram account