In-season projections of COVID-19 vaccine uptake for the 2023/2024 season.
Scott Olesen [email protected] (CDC/IOD/ORR/CFA) Inga Holmdahl [email protected] (CDC/IOD/ORR/CFA)
We have generated three different methods that may give us an idea of the trajectory we are on within the season (2023/2024), in relation to a reference season (2022/2023).
- Date-based: Assume that the primary determinant of uptake is the week of the year; continue uptake from the same calendar date of the reference season year, regardless of how uptake compares so far
- Rate-based: Assume that the rate of uptake will decrease over time, in a similar way to the reference season. Continue uptake at the rate of the reference season, starting from the week whose rate best matches the current rate
- Sentiment-based: Assume that of people stating they intend to get vaccinated at the beginning of the current season, the proportion who actually will get vaccinated is constant between seasons
We do not assume that any of these is an exact reflection of the many factors driving uptake, but use them methods to project possible uptake scenarios over the coming season.
All three of these methods are designed to be used after vaccine rollout has begun, but before the season has ended. They each are desgined to use only a single previous season as reference.
To produce plots of 2023/2024 uptake projections weekly throughout the 2023/2024 season, with 2022/2023 uptake as a reference:
We refer to sources, which this packages pulls from the public API:
- 2022/2023 NISpakc-hru3
- 2023/2024 NIS
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