ConvNet-Vis helps to visualize the Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with following methods.
- Activation of image from each layer
- Deconvolution
- Deep-Dream
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- numpy
- scipy
- h5py
- wget
- six
- scikit-image
Very first time it will download the weights of the model you pick, so it requires an internet connection. Also you can pass custom model.
import vis
# For pretrained model visualization
convnet_vis = vis.ConvNet_Vis(image_path="cat.jpg")
# For custom model visualization
# model=<path-to-model> OR Keras Model obect
convnet_vis = vis.ConvNet_Vis(image_path="cat.jpg", model="final_model.hdf5")
NOTE: Results will be stored in vis directory.
TensorBoard gives you flexibility to visualize all the test image on same model with brightness and contrast adustment.
tensorboard --logdir=<LOG-PATH (layerwise)>
- Deep-dream support for all the model. (Current Support only for InceptionV3)
๐ tfcnn_vis