third draft? inner field public #129
11 errors
Run R integration tests using {extendrtests} and `cargo extendr r-cmd-check`
Installation failed.
Run R integration tests using {extendrtests} and `cargo extendr r-cmd-check`
R CMD check found ERRORs
Run R integration tests using {extendrtests} and `cargo extendr r-cmd-check`
command exited with non-zero code `Rscript -e "rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck(args = c(\'--as-cran\', \'--no-manual\'), error_on = \'warning\', check_dir = \'/home/runner/work/extendr/extendr/extendrtests_check\')"`: 1
Run R integration tests using {extendrtests} and `cargo extendr r-cmd-check`
Process completed with exit code 1.
Run tests
Expected Numeric, got Strings
Run tests
Expected Numeric, got Pairlist
Run tests
Expected Scalar, got List
Run tests
Expected Scalar, got Integers
Run tests
Expected Integers got Doubles
Run tests
The value is too big: 1234567890