A simple isometric game engine.
This application requires Java 8 u40 or later.
Type ./gradlew shadowJar to build the map editor.
The first time you run the map editor, you will be asked to browse to the data directory. This is the directory in which you intend to store the game files as you edit them.
If the data directory is missing any necessary files or directories, the map editor should create them. At present it just crashes. A starter data directory is included in this repository at src/main/resources/gamedata.
- Q: Rotate camera left
- E: Rotate camera right
- Arrow keys: scroll
Every texture, sprite, and cliff texture has a name, which is set when you add a new texture, sprite, or cliff texture. By default, a random name is generated, but you have the option of choosing something friendly. The only condition is that no two objects of the same class (i.e. no two textures, sprites, or cliff textures) can have the same name.