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added protection against case that visMass is unphysically large, due…
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… to reconstruction errors

(resulting in TH1s for mass entries to have invalid binning)
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Christian committed Jan 5, 2016
1 parent 1759d71 commit dd7cf43
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Showing 5 changed files with 99 additions and 79 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions interface/SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,6 +143,12 @@ namespace svFitStandalone
histogramMass_ = histogramMass;
if ( histogramMass_density != 0 ) delete histogramMass_density_;
histogramMass_density_ = histogramMass_density;
if ( histogramMass_ && histogramMass_->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() > histogramTransverseMass_->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() ) {
if ( histogramTransverseMass_ != 0 ) delete histogramTransverseMass_;
histogramTransverseMass_ = makeHistogram("SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm_histogramTransverseMass", 1., histogramMass_->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 1.025);
if ( histogramTransverseMass_density_ != 0 ) delete histogramTransverseMass_density_;
histogramTransverseMass_density_ = (TH1*)histogramTransverseMass_->Clone(Form("%s_density", histogramTransverseMass_->GetName()));
void SetL1isLep(bool l1isLep) { l1isLep_ = l1isLep; }
void SetL2isLep(bool l2isLep) { l2isLep_ = l2isLep; }
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions interface/SVfitStandaloneLikelihood.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ namespace svFitStandalone
/// constructor from the measured quantities per decay branch
MeasuredTauLepton(kDecayType type, double pt, double eta, double phi, double mass, int decayMode = -1)
: type_(type),
//std::cout << "<MeasuredTauLepton>: Pt = " << pt_ << ", eta = " << eta_ << ", phi = " << phi_ << ", mass = " << mass_ << std::endl;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace svFitStandalone
/// return azimuthal angle of the visible decay products in labframe
double phi() const { return phi_; }
/// return decay type of the tau lepton
int type() const { return type_; }
kDecayType type() const { return type_; }
/// return decay mode of the reconstructed hadronic tau decay
int decayMode() const { return decayMode_; }
/// return the spatial momentum vector of the visible decay products in the labframe
Expand All @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace svFitStandalone

/// decay type
int type_;
kDecayType type_;
/// visible momentum in labframe
double pt_;
double eta_;
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148 changes: 85 additions & 63 deletions src/
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#include "Math/PtEtaPhiM4D.h"

#include <TGraphErrors.h>
#include <TMatrixD.h>
#include <TMatrixDSym.h>
#include <TMatrixDSymEigen.h>
#include <TVectorD.h>

namespace svFitStandalone
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,21 +125,6 @@ namespace svFitStandalone
x_mapped[kMaxFitParams + kRecTauPtDivGenTauPt] = 0.;
//x_mapped[kXFrac] = 0.481205;
//x_mapped[kMNuNu] = 0.644321;
//x_mapped[kPhi] = 0.651332;
//x_mapped[kMaxFitParams + kXFrac] = 0.512932;
//x_mapped[kMaxFitParams + kMNuNu] = 0.;
//x_mapped[kMaxFitParams + kPhi] = 0.114703;
//std::cout << "<map_xVEGAS>:" << std::endl;
//for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
// std::cout << " x_mapped[" << i << "] = " << x_mapped[i] << std::endl;

void map_xMarkovChain(const double* x, bool l1isLep, bool l2isLep, bool marginalizeVisMass, bool shiftVisMass, bool shiftVisPt, double* x_mapped)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,6 +186,18 @@ namespace svFitStandalone
// std::cout << " x_mapped[" << i << "] = " << x_mapped[i] << std::endl;

struct sortMeasuredTauLeptons
bool operator() (const svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton& measuredTauLepton1, const svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton& measuredTauLepton2)
if ( (measuredTauLepton1.type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToElecDecay || measuredTauLepton1.type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToMuDecay) &&
measuredTauLepton2.type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToHadDecay ) return true;
if ( (measuredTauLepton2.type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToElecDecay || measuredTauLepton2.type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToMuDecay) &&
measuredTauLepton1.type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToHadDecay ) return false;
return ( > );

SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm(const std::vector<svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton>& measuredTauLeptons, double measuredMETx, double measuredMETy, const TMatrixD& covMET,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,14 +225,63 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm(const std::vector<svFitStanda
// instantiate minuit, the arguments might turn into configurables once
minimizer_ = ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2", "Migrad");
// instantiate the combined likelihood
svFitStandalone::Vector measuredMET_rounded(svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(measuredMETx), svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(measuredMETy), 0.);
TMatrixD covMET_rounded(2, 2);

std::vector<svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton> measuredTauLeptons_rounded;
for ( std::vector<svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton>::const_iterator measuredTauLepton = measuredTauLeptons.begin();
measuredTauLepton != measuredTauLeptons.end(); ++measuredTauLepton ) {
svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton measuredTauLepton_rounded(
// for the VEGAS integration the order of MeasuredTauLeptons matters,
// due to the choice of order in which the integration boundaries are defined.
// The leptonic tau decay should go before the hadronic tau decays.
// In case both taus decay to leptons or both taus decay hadronically,
// the higher pT tau should go before the lower pT tau.
std::sort(measuredTauLeptons_rounded.begin(), measuredTauLeptons_rounded.end(), svFitStandalone::sortMeasuredTauLeptons());
if ( verbosity_ >= 1 ) {
for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < measuredTauLeptons_rounded.size(); ++idx ) {
const svFitStandalone::MeasuredTauLepton& measuredTauLepton = measuredTauLeptons_rounded[idx];
std::cout << "measuredTauLepton #" << idx << " (type = " << measuredTauLepton.type() << "): Pt = " << << ","
<< " eta = " << measuredTauLepton.eta() << " (theta = " << measuredTauLepton.p4().theta() << ")" << ", phi = " << measuredTauLepton.phi() << ","
<< " mass = " << measuredTauLepton.mass() << std::endl;
double measuredMETx_rounded = svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(measuredMETx);
double measuredMETy_rounded = svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(measuredMETy);
svFitStandalone::Vector measuredMET_rounded(measuredMETx_rounded, measuredMETy_rounded, 0.);
TMatrixD covMET_rounded(2,2);
covMET_rounded[0][0] = svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(covMET[0][0]);
covMET_rounded[1][0] = svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(covMET[1][0]);
covMET_rounded[0][1] = svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(covMET[0][1]);
covMET_rounded[1][1] = svFitStandalone::roundToNdigits(covMET[1][1]);
nll_ = new svFitStandalone::SVfitStandaloneLikelihood(measuredTauLeptons, measuredMET_rounded, covMET_rounded, (verbosity_ >= 2));
if ( verbosity_ >= 1 ) {
std::cout << "MET: Px = " << measuredMETx_rounded << ", Py = " << measuredMETy_rounded << std::endl;
std::cout << "covMET:" << std::endl;
TMatrixDSym covMET_sym(2);
covMET_sym(0,0) = covMET_rounded[0][0];
covMET_sym(0,1) = covMET_rounded[0][1];
covMET_sym(1,0) = covMET_rounded[1][0];
covMET_sym(1,1) = covMET_rounded[1][1];
TMatrixD EigenVectors(2,2);
EigenVectors = TMatrixDSymEigen(covMET_sym).GetEigenVectors();
std::cout << "Eigenvectors = { " << EigenVectors(0,0) << ", " << EigenVectors(1,0) << " (phi = " << TMath::ATan2(EigenVectors(1,0), EigenVectors(0,0)) << ") },"
<< " { " << EigenVectors(0,1) << ", " << EigenVectors(1,1) << " (phi = " << TMath::ATan2(EigenVectors(1,1), EigenVectors(0,1)) << ") }" << std::endl;
TVectorD EigenValues(2);
EigenValues = TMatrixDSymEigen(covMET_sym).GetEigenValues();
EigenValues(0) = TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(0));
EigenValues(1) = TMath::Sqrt(EigenValues(1));
std::cout << "Eigenvalues = " << EigenValues(0) << ", " << EigenValues(1) << std::endl;

// instantiate the combined likelihood
nll_ = new svFitStandalone::SVfitStandaloneLikelihood(measuredTauLeptons_rounded, measuredMET_rounded, covMET_rounded, (verbosity_ >= 2));
nllStatus_ = nll_->error();

standaloneObjectiveFunctionAdapterVEGAS_ = new svFitStandalone::ObjectiveFunctionAdapterVEGAS();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,39 +440,36 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::setup()
//if ( verbosity_ >= 1 ) {
// std::cout << "<SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::fit()>" << std::endl
// << " dimension of fit : " << nll_->measuredTauLeptons().size()*svFitStandalone::kMaxFitParams << std::endl
// << " maxObjFunctionCalls : " << maxObjFunctionCalls_ << std::endl;
if ( verbosity_ >= 1 ) {
std::cout << "<SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::fit>:" << std::endl;

// clear minimizer

// set verbosity level of minimizer

// setup the function to be called and the dimension of the fit
ROOT::Math::Functor toMinimize(standaloneObjectiveFunctionAdapterMINUIT_, nll_->measuredTauLeptons().size()*svFitStandalone::kMaxFitParams);

// set Minuit strategy = 2, in order to get reliable error estimates:

// compute uncertainties for increase of objective function by 0.5 wrt.
// minimum (objective function is log-likelihood function)
//if ( verbosity_ >= 1 ) {
// std::cout << "starting ROOT::Math::Minimizer::Minimize..." << std::endl;
// std::cout << " #freeParameters = " << minimizer_->NFree() << ","
// << " #constrainedParameters = " << (minimizer_->NDim() - minimizer_->NFree()) << std::endl;

// do the minimization
//if ( verbosity_ >= 2 ) {
// minimizer_->PrintResults();

/* get Minimizer status code, check if solution is valid:
0: Valid solution
Expand All @@ -433,9 +480,6 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::fit()
5: Any other failure
fitStatus_ = minimizer_->Status();
//if ( verbosity_ >=1 ) {
// std::cout << "--> fitStatus = " << fitStatus_ << std::endl;

// and write out the result
using svFitStandalone::kXFrac;
Expand All @@ -451,31 +495,6 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::fit()
fittedDiTauSystem_ = fittedTauLeptons_[0] + fittedTauLeptons_[1];
mass_ = fittedDiTauSystem().mass();
massUncert_ = TMath::Sqrt(0.25*x1RelErr*x1RelErr + 0.25*x2RelErr*x2RelErr)*fittedDiTauSystem().mass();
//if ( verbosity_ >= 2 ) {
// std::cout << ">> -------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> Resonance Record: " << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> -------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> pt (di-tau) = " << fittedDiTauSystem().pt () << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> eta (di-tau) = " << fittedDiTauSystem().eta () << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> phi (di-tau) = " << fittedDiTauSystem().phi () << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> mass(di-tau) = " << fittedDiTauSystem().mass() << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> massUncert = " << massUncert_ << std::endl
// << " error[xFrac1] = " << minimizer_->Errors()[svFitStandalone::kXFrac] << std::endl
// << " value[xFrac1] = " << minimizer_->X()[svFitStandalone::kXFrac] << std::endl
// << " error[xFrac2] = " << minimizer_->Errors()[svFitStandalone::kMaxFitParams+kXFrac] << std::endl
// << " value[xFrac2] = " << minimizer_->X()[svFitStandalone::kMaxFitParams+kXFrac] << std::endl;
// for ( size_t leg = 0; leg < 2 ; ++leg ) {
// std::cout << ">> -------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> Leg " << leg+1 << " Record: " << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> -------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> pt (meas) = " << nll_->measuredTauLeptons()[leg].p4().pt () << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> eta (meas) = " << nll_->measuredTauLeptons()[leg].p4().eta() << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> phi (meas) = " << nll_->measuredTauLeptons()[leg].p4().phi() << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> pt (fit ) = " << fittedTauLeptons()[leg].pt () << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> eta (fit ) = " << fittedTauLeptons()[leg].eta() << std::endl;
// std::cout << ">> phi (fit ) = " << fittedTauLeptons()[leg].phi() << std::endl;
// }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -667,7 +686,9 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::integrateVEGAS(const std::string& likelihoodFileName)

TH1* histogramMass = makeHistogram("SVfitStandaloneAlgorithmVEGAS_histogramMass", measuredDiTauSystem().mass()/1.0125, 1.e+4, 1.025);
double minMass = measuredDiTauSystem().mass()/1.0125;
double maxMass = TMath::Max(1.e+4, 1.e+1*minMass);
TH1* histogramMass = makeHistogram("SVfitStandaloneAlgorithmVEGAS_histogramMass", minMass, maxMass, 1.025);
TH1* histogramMass_density = (TH1*)histogramMass->Clone(Form("%s_density", histogramMass->GetName()));

std::vector<double> xGraph;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,7 +946,9 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::integrateMarkovChain(const std::string& likelihoodFile
mcObjectiveFunctionAdapter_->SetShiftVisPt(shiftVisPt_ && (l1lutVisPtRes || l2lutVisPtRes));
// CV: use same binning for Markov Chain and VEGAS integration.
// The binning relative to the visible mass avoids that SVfit mass is "quantizied" at the same discrete values for all events.
TH1* histogramMass = makeHistogram("SVfitStandaloneAlgorithmMarkovChain_histogramMass", measuredDiTauSystem().mass()/1.0125, 1.e+4, 1.025);
double minMass = measuredDiTauSystem().mass()/1.0125;
double maxMass = TMath::Max(1.e+4, 1.e+1*minMass);
TH1* histogramMass = makeHistogram("SVfitStandaloneAlgorithmMarkovChain_histogramMass", minMass, maxMass, 1.025);
TH1* histogramMass_density = (TH1*)histogramMass->Clone(Form("%s_density", histogramMass->GetName()));
mcPtEtaPhiMassAdapter_->SetHistogramMass(histogramMass, histogramMass_density);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1050,7 +1073,6 @@ SVfitStandaloneAlgorithm::integrateMarkovChain(const std::string& likelihoodFile
transverseMassUncert_ = mcPtEtaPhiMassAdapter_->getTransverseMassUncert();
transverseMassLmax_ = mcPtEtaPhiMassAdapter_->getTransverseMassLmax();
fittedDiTauSystem_ = ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >(pt_, eta_, phi_, mass_);

if ( likelihoodFileName != "" ) {
TFile* likelihoodFile = new TFile(, "RECREATE");
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10 changes: 1 addition & 9 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -40,15 +40,7 @@ SVfitStandaloneLikelihood::SVfitStandaloneLikelihood(const std::vector<MeasuredT
// std::cout << "<SVfitStandaloneLikelihood::SVfitStandaloneLikelihood>:" << std::endl;
measuredMET_ = measuredMET;
// for integration mode the order of lepton or tau matters due to the choice of order in which
// way the integration boundaries are defined. In this case the lepton should always go before
// the tau. For tau-tau or lep-lep the order is irrelevant.
if ( measuredTauLeptons[0].type() == svFitStandalone::kTauToHadDecay ) {
} else {
measuredTauLeptons_= measuredTauLeptons;
measuredTauLeptons_= measuredTauLeptons;
if ( measuredTauLeptons_.size() != 2 ) {
std::cout << " >> ERROR : the number of measured leptons must be 2 but is found to be: " << measuredTauLeptons_.size() << std::endl;
errorCode_ |= LeptonNumber;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ void SVfitStandaloneMarkovChainIntegrator::integrate(const std::vector<double>&
if ( iTry > 0 && (iTry % 100000) == 0 ) {
if ( iTry == 100000 ) std::cout << "<SVfitStandaloneMarkovChainIntegrator::integrate (name = " << name_ << ")>:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "try #" << iTry << ": did not find valid start-position yet." << std::endl;
//std::cout << "(q = " << format_vdouble(q_) << ", prob = " << prob_ << ")" << std::endl;
//std::cout << " (q = " << format_vdouble(q_) << ", prob = " << prob_ << ")" << std::endl;
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