This is the pi-monitor project, which will reports many stats from your Raspberry Pi to
Make sure you have a recent version of python3 (>=3.6)
/usr/bin/python3 --version
(If you want to use python3 from a different directory, for now you'll need to hand-edit after cloning and before running below)
Clone into your homedir, and install. Okay to do this either as a standard user, or as root. This will handle dependencies and plug into the current user's crontab
cd ~
git clone --recursive
cd pi-monitor
# if needed, hand edit to change path to python3 if /usr/bin/python3 isn't what you want to use
ssh <hostname> pi-monitor/
Here's an example of reported data:
"ImageBacklogCnt": 1,
"CpuTempC": 51.12,
"GpuTempC": 51.1,
"UptimeHrs": 27.78,
"SDcard": {
"PctUsed": 4,
"TotalGB": 120
"RAM": {
"PctUsed": 21.1,
"TotalGB": 3.93
"LoadAvg": {
"1min": 0.26,
"5min": 0.19,
"15min": 0.31
"CpuUtil": {
"cpu": "all",
"usr": 3.08,
"nice": 0,
"sys": 2.44,
"iowait": 0.04,
"irq": 0,
"soft": 0.14,
"steal": 0,
"guest": 0,
"gnice": 0,
"idle": 94.31
"CpuFreqGhz": 1.8,
"Throttling": {
"Undervolt": false,
"ARMFreqCapped": false,
"Throttled": false,
"SoftTempLimit": false,
"UndervoltSinceBoot": false,
"ThrottledSinceBoot": false,
"ARMFreqCappedSinceBoot": false,
"SoftTempLimitSinceBoot": false
"ClockInfo": {
"Timezone": "America/New_York",
"LocalRTC": "no",
"CanNTP": "yes",
"NTP": "yes",
"NTPSynchronized": "yes",
"TimeUSec": "Thu 2022-09-15 09:47:14 EDT",
"FallbackNTPServers": "",
"ServerName": "",
"ServerAddress": "",
"RootDistanceMaxUSec": "5s",
"PollIntervalMinUSec": "32s",
"PollIntervalMaxUSec": "34min 8s",
"PollIntervalUSec": "34min 8s",
"NTPMessage": "{ Leap=0, Version=4, Mode=4, Stratum=3, Precision=-23, RootDelay=7.858ms, RootDispersion=44.891ms, Reference=2C18C722, OriginateTimestamp=Thu 2022-09-15 09:31:21 EDT, ReceiveTimestamp=Thu 2022-09-15 09:31:21 EDT, TransmitTimestamp=Thu 2022-09-15 09:31:21 EDT, DestinationTimestamp=Thu 2022-09-15 09:31:21 EDT, Ignored=no PacketCount=13, Jitter=35.229ms }",
"Frequency": "-921736"