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Mike Tasota edited this page Apr 23, 2018 · 1 revision


Here we will cover the essential tables for understanding the creation and storage of reports in Smell PGH.

  • smell_reports: By itself, a SmellReport is an anonymized record containing only a perturbed lat/long position at an observed time along with a smell value, description, and feelings/symptoms associated with the complaint. Every SmellReport is associated with a specific Client and list of Regions that the SmellReport falls into.
  • regions: Currently, a Region is defined by a list of ZipCodes.
  • agencies: An Agency is an authority, organization, or otherwise recipient of SmellReports, associated with one or many Regions.


  • clients: A Client is an authorized application for the creation/submission of SmellReports to the Smell PGH API.
  • map_markers: A MapMarker is content recommended to be drawn on a map for a specific Region (and is explicitly associated with a Region).
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