Provide multi-floor localization function.
configuration files for cartographer
multi_floor_manager launches multiple cartographer nodes for each floor or area in map configuration and reroutes topics into a selected cartographer to control multi-floor/area localization. To select a specific cartographer (floor/area), use radio frequency signals or other sensors.
- current_floor: current floor
- current_floor_raw: current floor estimation before rounding
- current_frame: current floor/area's frame id
- current_map_files: current floor/area's map file name
- resetpose:
- global_position:
- scan_matched_points:
- imu: input for cartographer
- points2: input for cartographer
- beacons: to estimate floor/area
- initialpose: to set initial pose
- odom: input for cartographer
- pressure: to check if robot is move vertically
- gnss_fix: input for cartographer
- gnss_fix_velocity: to estimate moving direction
- map_global: the global TF origin
- -> map_carto_XX: each cartographer map origin
- map_carto_XX -> map: for ROS2, map refers current_frame
multi_floor_map_server launches multiple map server nodes for each floor or area in map configuration and reroute map topic from the map server of the current_frame
- map: map corresponds to the current_frame
- current_frame: