Make a new webserver
repo on your github user, then
Make an index.html
For Dockerfile:
Got Dockerfile and index?
Ok ready for next part
> create dockerhub account
Create automated build
Select the repo
Go to "Build Settings" and hit the trigger button for master:
Done with the docker stuff for now.
Get dat URL from the lectures repo.
Set up yer account
Make a new cs340 project if you don't have one yet:
Select the cs340 project
Click on the compute engine to set it up for the project:
Hmm this seems to be taking awhile...
Ok done.
Click on the VM instances or the link below
or go to to create a VM instance if you don't see that button
Check the "Deploy a container image" so that we can use our docker container.
Remember this?
Put that title into this:
Add HTTP for the firewall:
Click that more config stuff dropdown:
Now add this into the boot script: (modify it first)
docker rm ws
docker run -d --name ws -p80:80 YOURGITHUBUSER/webserver
Done here.
Being created:
Click on that IP: WEBSITE!
Now remember to add your IP for your site to the LAST LINE of your markdown file in !