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This repository contain the code to preprocess acoustic data for the CRIMAC project

A docker image to pre-process a collection of SIMRAD's EK60/EK80 acoustic raw files into an xarray dataset using pyEcholab package. The dataset is then stored as zarr/netcdf files on disk.

In addition, pre-processing the Marec's LSSS work files into a pandas dataframe as a parquet file is now supported (see the disk mounting option below).


  1. Automatic range re-gridding (by default it uses the main channel’s range from the first raw file, see MAX_RANGE_SRC option below).
  2. Sv processing and re-gridding the channels are done in parallel (using Dask’s delayed).
  3. Automatic resuming from the last ping_time if the output file exists.
  4. Batch processing is done by appending directly to the output file, should be memory efficient.
  5. The image of this repository is available at Docker Hub (
  6. Processing annotations from .work files into a pandas dataframe object (using:

Options to run

  1. Two directories need to be mounted:

    1. /datain should be mounted to the data directory where the .raw files are located.
    2. /dataout should be mounted to the directory where the output is written.
    3. /workin should be mounted to the directory where the .work files are located (optional).
  2. Choose the frequency of the main channel:

    --env MAIN_FREQ=38000
  3. Choose the range determination type:

    # Set the maximum range as 500,
    --env MAX_RANGE_SRC=500
    # or use the the main channel's maximum range from all the files (for historical data),
    --env MAX_RANGE_SRC=auto
    # or use the the main channel's maximum range from the first processed file (for historical data)
    --env MAX_RANGE_SRC=None
  4. Select output type, zarr and NetCDF4 are supported:

    --env OUTPUT_TYPE=zarr
    --env OUTPUT_TYPE=netcdf4
  5. Select file name output (optional, default to out.<zarr/nc>)

    --env OUTPUT_NAME=S2020842
  6. Set if we want a visual overview of the Sv data (in a PNG format image)

    --env WRITE_PNG=1 # enable or 0 to disable


docker run -it --name pyechopreprocess \
-v /data/cruise_data/2020/S2020842_PHELMERHANSSEN_1173/ACOUSTIC/EK60/EK60_RAWDATA:/datain \
-v /data/cruise_data/2020/S2020842_PHELMERHANSSEN_1173/ACOUSTIC/LSSS/WORK:/workin \
-v /localscratch/ibrahim-echo/out:/dataout  \
--security-opt label=disable \
--env OUTPUT_TYPE=zarr \
--env MAIN_FREQ=38000 \
--env MAX_RANGE_SRC=500 \
--env OUTPUT_NAME=S2020842 \
--env WRITE_PNG=0 \