Course: CS467 Capstone Project, Spring 2024 Capstone
Group Members: Anthony Clary, Hannah Rummel, Chase Smith, Akash Verma
Production Site:
Production API:
TripXP is a crowd-sourced travel web application that empowers users to craft personalized trips, expeditions, or adventures and share those experiences with a multitude of other travelers. With users as the primary contributors to this catalog of travel ideas, community is the backbone of the app’s interactivity. Contributors share their experiences to the larger community, and can store those experiences in private groupings called ‘trips’. With user-curated trips created based on their specific interests and passions, the catalog is supported by a large number of quality experiences.
- React single page application, utilizing React Router and Context.
- Google Maps and Google Identity Services Sign In integrations.
- Material UI Core component library for consistent frontend theming.
- REST API via Express.js on Node.js and following a MVC design pattern.
- Sequelize ORM for model-based interfacing with MySQL database.
- Token based authentication via Google Identity Services.
- Token based authorization aided by jwks-rsa and express-jwt packages.
- File uploads facilitated by multer middleware.
The fullstack application is organized within this monorepo. backend is the working directory for the NodeJS application, to serve our Express.js RESTful API. frontend is the working directory for the client-side React application. Please see the
files in those respective directories for dev and deployment instructions for the respective parts of the stack.
CI/CD is facilitated via a combination of Github Actions and Railway.
If you would like to deploy your own instance on Railway, you can utilize our project template: