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Lab 05/06

The starter code for lab 05-06.


Let's develop a simple grade entry system (UI and back-end) in Flutter.

Note: This lab is designed to take 2 weeks, and will be worth the value of two lab assignments. It is recommended that you do the overall user interface in the first week, and have placeholder data handlers (e.g. that just print to the console). You can implement these functions in the second week.


User Interface

Our user interface will be relatively simple. We'll have two pages. The first page, ListGrades, will show a list of all available grades. The second page, GradeForm, will allow entry of grade data. Below are two screenshots of the resulting UI:

the list grades page

Figure 1 - The ListGrades page

the grade form page

Figure 2 - The GradeForm page

First, you will need to create a Grade class that will store the following information:

  • sid - A String containing the 9-digit student ID
  • grade - A String containing the letter grade for that student


The ListGrades page will use a ListView to show all grades entered into the system. For now, you can use a list of placeholder data, but be sure to enter enough grades to test scrolling. The ListView elements will be ListTile widgets. The title of the ListTile will be the sid, and the subtitle will be the grade. The ListGrades page will also show two actions on the app bar:

  • Edit (using the icon Icons.edit) - calls the method _editGrade()
  • Delete (using the icon Icons.delete) - calls the method _deleteGrade()

The ListGrades page will also show a floating action button (using the icon Icons.add), which will call the method _addGrade().

For now, both the _addGrade() method and the _editGrade() method will merely show the GradeForm page, and print a message to the console to help you ensure that they execute.

In order to edit or delete a grade, we'll need the ability to select one. We'll do this by adding a variable _selectedIndex, which will get set when the list item is tapped. This can easily be done by wrapping the ListTile in a GestureDetector, and implementing the onTap handler. For the ListTile that is selected, show it with a blue background. You can do this by wrapping the ListTile in a Container, and giving it a BoxDecoration as its decoration. BoxDecoration has a color attribute. The selected grade will not impact the add grade functionality.


The GradeForm page will show a form, consisting of two text fields (one for sid, and one for grade), and a floating action button (Save, with icon

Implementing Persistence using SQLite

Our job for this part will be to:

  • populate the ListGrades page with data from the database, and
  • implement the _addGrade() method and the _editGrade() method.

The actual logic will go into a separate class, GradesModel. You can use the SQFlite demo code as a starting point, if it makes it easier.

You will need to add an id field, as well as the following functions in the Grade class:

  • toMap()
    • Returns a map of all three fields of the Grade class (id, sid, and grade)
  • fromMap()
    • Generates a new Grade instance using a map containing all three fields of the Grade class (id, sid, and grade)

You will need to implement the following functions in the GradesModel class:

  • getAllGrades()
    • Returns a list of all grades in the database
  • insertGrade(Grade grade)
    • Adds a new grade to the database, using the data included in grade
    • Returns the newly generated id
  • updateGrade(Grade grade)
    • Updates the grade in the database with id equal to that of grade, using the new data included in grade
  • deleteGradeById(int id)
    • Deletes the grade in the database with the provided id

Using the getAllGrades() function in GradesModel, provide real data to the ListGrades page.

Now, we can implement the stubbed functions:

  • _addGrade()
    • Show the GradeForm page, and use the returned Grade object (if not null) to call insertGrade in the GradesModel
  • _editGrade()
    • Show the GradeForm page, and use the returned Grade object (if not null) to call updateGrade in the GradesModel
  • _deleteGrade()
    • For the selected Grade, use its id to call deleteGradeById in the GradesModel

Getting Help

If you run into difficulty, you may wish to check out some of the following resources:

Of course, you can always ask the TA for help! However, learning how to find the answers out for yourself is not only more satisfying, but results in greater learning as well.

How to Submit

Create your flutter project inside this folder, commit, and then push your code to this repository to submit your lab assignment.


To extend this lab, you will need to add the following:

  • (2 marks) Add the ability to delete grades using the swiping gesture, then remove the delete icon from the appBar.

  • (2 marks) Add the ability to edit grades using the long press gesture, with a popup menu, then remove the edit icon from the appBar.

  • (2 marks) Add a single icon to the appBar that allows users to sort the grades in one of four ways (increasing/decreasing sid/grade).

  • (2 marks) Add an icon to the appBar that shows a DataTable, which generates a vertical bar chart of the grade data. The Y axis should be frequency, and the X axis should be the grade in ascending order.

  • (3 marks) Add an icon to the appBar that enables a user to import a .csv file from local files to populate the list of grades. The csv file should have 2 columns (sid, grade) and append all new grades to the existing list of grades.

  • (4 marks) Add two more features of your choice other than those listed here. Mention these features explicitly in your

    • As a baseline, each of these features should be at least as complex as being able to store all the grades in an SQLite database, export the contents of that database to a file, and import files of that type to generate a list of grades.


Starter code for lab 05-06.







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