An R package to optimize list pairing for gamma correction of chess rankings. See analytical gaming for more information. Includes 2014 pairing data from the Warmachine/Hordes World Team Championship website.
# install devtools for devtools::install_github
# install WTCTools
This package also includes tests in testthat format.
From R run the call test_package("WTCTools")
This package contains the WTC dataset for 2013 - 2016.
Player 1 won when TP is 1; Player 2 won when TP is 0.
head(wtc, n = 3)
# game_id round TP year victory_condition scenario
#1 1 1 1 2013 Caster Kill Into the Breach
#2 2 1 0 2013 Caster Kill Into the Breach
#3 3 1 1 2013 Caster Kill Into the Breach
# player1 team1 list1
#1 Pär-Ola Nilsson Team Epic Sweden Vlad2
#2 Robert Willemstein Team Netherlands Feora2
#3 Christian Aas Team Epic Sweden Vayl2
# faction1 CP1 AP1 player2 team2
#1 Khador 0 35 Aat Niehot Team Netherlands
#2 Protectorate of Menoth 0 5 Joakim Rapp Team Epic Sweden
#3 Legion of Everblight 0 56 Tom Starren Team Netherlands
# list2 faction2 CP2 AP2 allrounds
#1 Borka Trollblood 2 2 1
#2 Bartolo Mercenaries 4 4 1
#3 Butcher2 Khador 1 1 1
Player ratings can be calculated using the PlayerRatings package.
wtc2013 <- na.omit(wtc[wtc$year == 2013, ])
rating13 <- steph(
x = wtc2013[, c("round", "player1", "player2", "TP")])
# Player Rating Deviation Games Win Draw Loss Lag
#1 Andrzej Kasiewicz 2635.488 165.7519 5 5 0 0 0
#2 Will Pagani 2610.185 172.8573 5 5 0 0 0
#3 Moritz Riegler 2589.179 175.2350 5 5 0 0 0
#4 Keith Christianson 2579.238 172.4108 5 5 0 0 0
#5 Johan Persson 2567.632 173.0174 5 5 0 0 0
#6 Enno May 2510.991 167.9497 5 4 0 1 0
The WTCTools package extends PlayerRatings by providing some utilities for estimating warcaster/warlock strength. A matrix can be created for each warcaster/warlock pairing.
# create blank matrix
pairLookup13 <- initializeLookup(
data = unique(c(wtc2013$list1, wtc2013$list2)))
# populate
pairLookup13 <- updateLookup(
data = wtc2013,
pairlookup = pairLookup13,
penalty = 10,
round = "round",
compare = "TP",
result = "TP")
The resulting matrix can be used estimate of the 'home' advantage of playing a particular warcaster/warlock against another warcaster/warlock.
ratingPairs13 <- steph(
x = wtc2013[, c("round", "player1", "player2", "TP")],
gamma = getMatrixVal(
list1 = wtc2013[, "list1"],
list2 = wtc2013[, "list2"],
x = pairLookup13))
# Player Rating Deviation Games Win Draw Loss Lag
#1 Andrzej Kasiewicz 2643.172 166.4335 5 5 0 0 0
#2 Will Pagani 2601.361 172.7013 5 5 0 0 0
#3 Moritz Riegler 2589.462 175.2995 5 5 0 0 0
#4 Keith Christianson 2574.436 173.1644 5 5 0 0 0
#5 Johan Persson 2555.896 172.9327 5 5 0 0 0
#6 Brian White 2521.748 165.8261 5 4 0 1 0
This allows the relative strengths of the warcasters/warlocks to be objectively compared.
h2 <- pairLookup13["Haley2", ]
par(mar = c(7, 4, 1, 1), las = 2)
barplot(sort(h2[h2 != 0], decreasing = TRUE),
col = "lightblue")