This microservice is a fundamental component of our application, responsible for managing all user-related functionalities. It handles authentication, authorization, and user profile management for both general users and restaurant owners. The User Microservice is built using Django. It operates independently with its own database and exposes a set of RESTful API endpoints for integration with the composite microservice and other sub-microservices.
- Handles user authentication and authorization.
- Manages user profiles and credentials for both general users and restaurant owners.
- Support for Multiple User Roles.
The user data is stored using the following Django model:
class users(models.Model):
uni = models.IntegerField()
email = models.CharField(max_length=100)
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
ID_TYPE_CHOICES = [ ('student', 'Student'), ('faculty', 'Faculty'), ('guest', 'Guest'), ]
id_type = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=ID_TYPE_CHOICES)
password = models.CharField(max_length=16, default="default_password")
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.first_name} - {self.last_name} - {self.uni}"
- URL:
- Description: Returns a welcome message or basic information about the microservice.
- Input argument: None
- URL:
POST /add_user/
- Description: Creates a new user account. Expects user data in JSON format in the request body.
- Input argument:
Parameter Type Description uni
Integer Unique numeric identifier for the user email
String Email address of the user first_name
String First name of the user last_name
String Last name of the user id_type
String Type of user ID ( student
String Password for the user account
- URL:
GET /get_all_users/
- Description: Retrieves a list of all registered users.
- Input argument: None
- URL:
DELETE /delete-user/<int:uni>/
- Description: Deletes a user account specified by user's uni.
- Input argument:
Parameter Type Description uni
Integer Unique numeric identifier for the user
- URL:
GET /get_one_user/
- Description: Verify if the input uni and password match to the user account.
- Input argument:
Parameter Type Description uni
Integer Unique numeric identifier for the user password
String Password for the user account