Cade's Bopl Battle Mods
*** Template/structure/original README created by Almafa64 ***
All of my mods for Bopl Battle use BepInEx.
All mods need BepInEx Version 5.4.22
- BoplBattleTemplate: Base of all my mods (created by Almafa64). More advanced version of shad0w_dev's (thanks shad0w_dev)
- CancelRock (1.0.0): Allows you to cancel the rock ability by letting go of the ability button, instead of having to wait for the ability to finish.
Need help to install BepInEx?
Click this link to get started!
- Clone repo
- Start setup.cmd and follow the instructions
- Important: The solution uses DLLs from the installed BepInEx, so install it before step 5
- Start MyMods.sln
- Build the mod you would like
- Mod DLL is at <Mod name>\bin\<Release/Debug>\net46\<Mod name>.dll (it will be copied to GameFolder\BepInEx\plugins\<Mod name>)