Section 704, Discord, c3PO, Schedule, Calendar, Bot, Events, Canvas, API, JavaScript
This document proposes a novel application of a discord bot to assist with events from a public shared API. The bot will have the following commands; week, next, all, and help which can be reviewed with ! prefix.
The discord bot will pull scheduled events from Prof. Ians API and provide the results to the channel in discord.
The bot would need
The background will contain a more detailed description of the product and a comparison to existing similar projects/products. A literature search should be conducted and the results listed. Proper citation of sources is required. If there are similar open-source products, you should state whether existing source will be used and to what extent. If there are similar closed-source/proprietary products, you should state how the proposed product will be similar and different.
The bot will use pythons DateTime library to assist with past due, current, and upcomming events.
Discuss what you need to develop this project. This includes background information you will need to acquire, hardware resources, and software resources. If these are not part of the standard Computer Science Department lab resources, these must be identified early and discussed with the instructor.
main --> datetime
main --> discord
class datetime{
class discord{
class main{
+String response
+String megaText
+int eventsFound
+String addtoOutput
+date today
+date todaysCalanderWeek
+date eventsCalenderWeek
actor User
User->>Discord: TypeCommand()
Discord->>Bot: RecievesCommand()
Bot->>Discord: Replies()
Discord->>User: SeesInfo()
Ian Tyler Applebaum |
Null |