Releases: Capstone-Projects-2023-Spring/project-discord-classroom
Final Demo Release
Demo Three Release
Demo Three Release
Milestone Demo Two
Second release for Discord Classroom
How to Run Discord Classroom Bot
- You will need to first create the Discord Server that you would like to use as a Classroom (for help).
- Next you will need to invite the Bot with this link to join the classroom you have created.
- Enter the server and you can now type ‘/’ and select help or type ‘/help’ to get more information on the Bot.
- You can follow along with the Acceptance Test (Here).
Release notes - Discord Classroom - v0.0.2
DC-2 student types relevant quiz command
DC-3 student finishes quiz and submits
DC-6 Educator writes down the time the bot will make quiz avilable
DC-22 Educator types "!cassignment" and attaches pdf or types assignment
DC-27 Once ticket is received bot adds it to the list for the teacher
DC-78 Reminder Category will update daily on what assignments or quizzes will be coming in the current week
DC-83 Update total attendance in database when teacher runs !attendance command
DC-84 Associate Google Cloud Storage to supabase database
DC-85 Modify help command to accept specific command as input
DC-86 Update existing commands to use API instead of connecting directly to database
DC-87 Bot creates classroom row and educator row when joining server
DC-88 Display poll results with bar graph
DC-89 Educator sends a mock grade to database and retrieve that grade into the "grades" channel with respect to student
DC-90 On member update also checks role change
DC-93 TutorGPT set up and command layouts
DC-94 Clear Upcoming Reminder and add new icons for Upcoming
Milestone Demo One
Discord bot sets up the channel with preset Categories, Text Channels, Voice channels, and Roles
Assigns the owner of the Discord the educator role
Allows students to pick their sections within the "role" text channel
When the bot joins the discord server, it automatically sets up seperate channels for the users
Educator can use !ta command to give users the Assistant role
Educator uses the !syllabus command to upload the syllabus to the dsicord server
Bot reads the pdf file attachment with the !syllabus command
Bot parses through the PDF to print a text version of the syllabus to discord
Help command for users to know how certain commands work
Discord command for !help with optional arguments
If an argument is given, it returns the syntax for that argument
Poll command used by users to create polls for users to vote through reactions
The command itself implemented within the bot
Takes two required and more optional arguments for each option
The bot reacts to the poll it creates so the users can click on each reaction