THINGS v1.0.0
This is the first production release of THINGS. THINGS is a lightweight inventory control system built for the CAT by the PSU Fall 2016 capstone team CAT-THINGS.
- API Authentication
- Request new item-(dispatches an email to the administrator)
- Check out / Check in items
- Add a new item
- View Shopping List
- View Statistics
- View History
- By number of recent transactions
- By item name
- By tags
- By Date range
- Email notification when items drop below threshold levels.
Known Bugs:
- View History by Date Range: sometimes returns an extra days worth of data. This is a timezone bug. It is caused when the local time data is converted to zulu time. The date time object is cast to a date object in the database SQL truncating the time information. In the 7 hours before midnight, the date in zulu time is a day ahead of our timezone, the database gets a match for the entire next days worth of transaction information. The solution is probably to keep the time as part of the comparison.