Whenever you find yourself in a new city, wondering what to do, our webpage could give a way to explore lesser-known museums around the globe, offering an authentic alternative to the mainstream tourist attractions.
It allows you to discover museums in a fun interactive way, giving you inspiration for your next trip.
For our final project we were requested to created web page from scratch. We were given 3 weeks to develop and deliver a functional backend with a friendly user frontend.
The first week, we began by brainstorming ideas based on our hobbies and preferences so we can later blend them with features that we thought our final user may find useful. After defining the propose of our webpage, we began to build our backend, together with our routes, models and authentication. Second week, we focus on creating the design of our frontend, together with the multiple pages that matches our backend endpoints. During the last week, we paid close attention on executing a smoothly navigation flow as well as adjusting our CSS keeping in mind our objective to provide our final user a practical, enjoyable and enlightening experience through our page.
Altogether our project was carefully created, following the code guidelines of not repeating, organised and clean code. Our MVP was completed as well as some of our stretch goals, but if we could have more time we will add the feature to translate our page content to French and Spanish languages.
For the backend; we utilise Mongoose, Mongo DB, Express, Node.js For the frontend; we worked with React hooks such as useState, useEffect, useContext. Also some libraries, such as, React-Router, Star Ratings, Select, Leaflet and Styled Components for the design.
Frontend: https://museek-project.netlify.app/ Backend: https://museek-2ejb.onrender.com/
Alma Herrström: https://github.com/almaherris/ Etna Zuniga: https://github.com/Caracal23/