This repo contains code needed to generate figures for the paper
The code is under development
- Fastq files are processed using standard cellranger-atac count
- Snakemake pipeline contains scripts and R markdown notebooks used for merging of the samples, analysis and figure generation
Each sequencing run is processed separately with cellranger:
cellranger-atac count --fastqs=./fastq/ --reference=PATH_TO_CELLRANGER_REFERENCE_MM10 --sample=SEQUNCING_ID --id=SAMPLE_ID
cd into folder where you want to do the analyis
mkdir scCut-Tag_2020
cd scCut-Tag_2020
Clone the git repo
git clone
Create conda environment with all necessary tools installed by:
conda env create -f scCut-Tag_2020/envs/CT_snakemake.yaml
conda env create -f scCut-Tag_2020/envs/meme.yaml
Install extra R libraries that are not present in conda or have trouble working:
Modify config files in scCut-Tag_2020/config/step2/ to specify path to cellranger output files for individual samples
snakemake --cores 56 -p
IGV -> View -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Data registry url
Change the URL to:
Then, just go to File -> Load from server