- Kakan Innoncencia
This app allows users to use that one minute wisely. The users will submit their one minute pitches and other users will vote on them and leave comments to give their feedback on them.
- pickup lines
- interview pitches
- product pitches
- promotion pitches
- A users can see pitches that other people have posted.
- A user can vote on posted pitches with either a down or an up vote.
- A user can sign in and leave a comment.
- A user can receive a welcoming email once they sign up.
- A user can view the pitches they have created on their profile page.
- A user can comment on different pitches and leave feedback.
- A user can submit a pitch in any category.
- A user can submit to different categories.
- Python3.8
*Copyright (c) 2022 Innoncencia Kakan/sixty-seconds